Cerebellar Hypoplasia



3 months, 14 hours ago


Child of Silverivy (Brushclan)

Born with Cerebellar Hypoplasia (insert clan version) they were always unsteady on their paws and often tumbled over especially when excited. While this was understandably frustrating and often times embarassing they still wanted a fair shot at becoming a warrior. (feel like this sentence should be changed \\---)

- Need to do more research. This is just middle of the night typing to get things started. Please let me know if my wording is inappropriate, (like babying them, glorifying, making it unrealistic or insulting) I thought i'd try something new and see if I can do it right.

- I put them in Brushclan cause I am bad with conflict so I made it easy on myself 💀 but the question is do I leave them here in this cesspool or have them join another clan, honestly thinking Willow but idk rn.

I don't want them in a medicine cat role 100% but I don't want to go easy on myself and make it so that their condition barely exists. Maybe as they get older they will be able to hunt but because they're still learning how to use their own body (as a kit and as a kit with CH) the clan is going to be frustrated trying to help them but also getting a kit to stay off their tails in general. Maybe i'll have it so that Silverivy and Owlbreeze have their kits around the same time. Owlbreeze will be learning their own limits after her health declines and maybe they end up coming up with ideas to help the kit out and she basically becomes their mentor then finally their official mentor.

This clan now sounds like less of a cesspool so I guess they're staying in Brushclan.

Ok but someone on reddit mentioned tunnels cause the close space keeps their balance. I absolutely love that but I think i'll stuck with Brush. Can Ch cats swim? I couldn't find any videos of a CH cat doing physical therapy in a pool but I wonder if it would be more flailing than swimming. Actually maybe the dog version hsa some vids

Ok but imagine Owlbreeze is having a difficult day so you just have this child stumbling around ordering warriors around bevcause Owl promised the deputy that she'd help him with organizing patrols and things but didn't have the strength to leave the den. After they're done herding the next patrol they run back to Owl like "I did my depu-duty for the day and set up the patrol!" When sall they actually did was chase warriors and apprentices ordering them to report to Silvergaze for patrol duties. Silver didn't even get to tell them who to grab.