
Happy (late) pride month!

This is a CSS import that will automatically apply a pride flag background to a bunch of different tags on your characters! You'll need Toyhouse Premium for it to work. If you want an example of how it looks, well...just look at the tags for this character. I pretty much put all of them there.

Import Code

Add the following to your Global Characters CSS (or a specific character's CSS if you only want it on one page). Remove the space after the @ too!

@ import '0/23546/4UZtFx/pride-character-tags';

No credit is required for this as it didn't take me long to make, but PLEASE let me know in the comments if you use it. Not required, but I would love to see it in action on other people's profiles :)

Add your own!

Want to add a flag that I'm missing to a different tag? Or maybe just another random background of your choosing?

Add your own tag backgrounds using this CSS snippet! Replace TAGNAME with the name of the tag as it appears in a link.

Feel free to share your custom flags/backgrounds in the comments so that other people can use them, too! 

  /*put whatever CSS you want here!*/