Kaoru Hachimitsu



8 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info

Age || DOB

17 || August 13th

Height || Weight

5'9" ft || 145 lbs

Gender || Sexuality

Trans Boy || Bisexual

Ethnicity || Nationality



+ Athletic, Enthusiastic, Dedicated, Loyal, Supportive, Caring
= Stubborn, Absentminded, Energetic
- Clumsy, Confrontational, Rowdy, Impulsive, Graceless, Clueless

Kaoru could best be described as an excited puppy. He does things on impulse and is very loyal to his friends and family, and will do the best he can to help him with their problems. Due to his impulsiveness, he tends not to think about what he's going to do before he does it, and accidentally ends up either hurting himself or others (either physically or emotionally). If he catches anyone looking at him funny or saying anything bad about him or his friends, he'll pick a fight with said person, even if his odds are low. Sometimes he doesn't know when to admit when he's wrong, or when to step down, and can be very stubborn. His outspoken and rowdy nature often leads him to getting in trouble at school with the teachers and is often seen outside the classroom, being punished for whatever he said or did. 


Kaoru is a single child living with his mother and father and two dogs. He came out as transexual to his parents when he was in his 2nd year of high school. They were both taken aback, his mother moreso than his father. It took his father a while to come to terms with it but eventually accepted Kaoru as his son, and not daughter. His mother on the other hand, is still having trouble fully accepting him for who he is. She still often uses female pronouns when talking about him, and will comment on his choice of clothing. Kaoru tries not to get upset with her, but instead patiently corrects her and tries to make her understand that he is more comfortable wearing male clothing. 
His obsession with aliens developed when he nine years old. He was out in his backyard, stargazing when a UFO with three bright lights zoomed by. At first he was freaked out, but he became curious and read and researched whatever he could about them. He hasn't seen a UFO since then, but his interest in them hasn't dwindled and aims to sneak into Area 51 one day.


  • experience him in IMAX 3D
  • orange part of hair is dyed
  • has two dogs, a shiba inu named Akihiko and a shih tzu/poodle mix named Haru. He loves his dogs as though they were his children
  • doesn't necessarily hate wearing female clothing, and can sometimes be seen in them. 
  • is very flexible and can pop his shoulder out of its socket, likes to do this to freak people out.
  • hes actually terrible at sports, except for one: basketball
  • although hes bad at most sports, it doesnt get him down and strives to be better (but with all that tripping he does...)
  • father is a soccer coach at a middle school, mother is a nurse at a hospital
  • his room walls are covered in conspiracy theories and posters about aliens. This, of course, includes the iconic "I Want to Believe" X-Files poster.
  • can often be seen crying or obsessing about whoever he's trying to hook up with in whichever dating sim he's currently playing
  • likes to doodle, can get very butthurt about his drawing skills when he compares himself to others or when someone points out something looks weird
  • will most likely give you a nickname, aka thinking he was pronouncing/spelling your name right, finding out he wasn't, but not bothering to correct himself
  • stubs his toe, trips or hits his elbow at LEAST once a day
  • he loves sports but he can't stand American football
  • has rlly nice legs
  • is actually 90% legs
  • dont be surprised if you see him in trees or on roofs wearing a tin foil hat yelling about aliens reading minds and abduction
  • is frightened by costumed characters/mascots
  • very touchy feely, doesn't know what personal space is
  • he will probably offer u as a sacrifice to the aliens at least once (Daigo can confirm this (poor Daigo))
  • favorite snack is strawberry icecream
  • his ringtone is the X-Files theme song, so if u hear this at any point u know hes near
  • he's not saying it was aliens, but it was aliens
  • :ayylmao: Aliens :ayylmao: 


✔ Glow in the dark objects, ALIENS!, Baggy/loose clothing, Running, FOOD!!, naps, sports, watching the sky (to catch UFOs flying by), DOGS!!!, doodling, green, dating sims
✘ Close-minded people, staying in all day, spicy foods, costumed characters/mascots, when others DON'T believe in aliens, accidentally hurting himself (does that a lot, unfortunately), cloudy weather


Yukimura, Daigo || Friend

- Met at a park during the summer before third year had started, where Kaoru was alien watching in a tree and Daigo was playing baseball. Kaoru had been struck by a ball and ended up falling out of the tree and Daigo ran to help him. Kaoru was mostly alright, just a few scratches and a bump on his head from the ball, but he pretended to have his shoulder dislocated, just to scare Daigo. Needless to say they started off in a weird way, but ended up being great friends, and are, in fact, neighbors!