


5 years, 7 months ago



Gender: Female

Age: 23

Bio: When she was little, she thought she seen a ghost. He looked like a deer but also like he was dead... he was a rotting corpse in which she sat there quietly and admired him when he slowly passed by. Since then, it made her want to be like him. He was magical in her eyes and she wanted to be just like him. From that day on, she started learning alchemy, as well as potions and magic. For alchemy it was easy, she could grow or get the ingredients and test everything out, and since nobody liked being a test subject she did it on herself in which normally effects didnt last long. For magic, she could only read about it, but it was a big interest for her. She was never mean in her life, however she was teased because of her eyes, and her hair because it was so long. She decided when she was old enough, she would live in a cave where she could do whatever she wanted without being teased, in which she made herself a cave her home.

Perso: She is as nice as possible to anyone she meets, animals and kintaurs alike. She is a loner and sort of sticks to herself but does enjoy other kin company or her little companions. She loves fishing and hunting and alchemy. She can get mean sometimes but due to her scars nobody believes her to be menacing.

Mutes: Rare horns - Rare ears - Rare long tail - Rare piebald - Rare hetechromia - Rare short fur. His fur is kinda silky with feathering. Kinda like saluki... - Uncommom fur - Uncommom sclera - Uncommon no pupil - Tail is broken and never healed right. Scars are everywhere.

KintaurĀ Number: Km246

Breedings: 7/8 (1 Mi-Moo)

Babies: (KN602)

Companions: Corpse - Leiche

Kintaur Tracker: TRACKER
Plague smells like next day pizza