
Designed by : ThePutridRaven as a gift  for Mikiriyu's female Fursona.

Name : Winter

Birthday : February 17

Zodiac : Aquarius

Sex : Female


Winter is my first fursona. She has been since around 2012. She is my main sona. She is not and nor shall she ever be for sale please respect that and don't ask.

She has Gypsy Vanner legs snow leopard ocicat face coat and tail. She has two simple horns. Her hand paws are a bit dainty for her species. Her legs are ended in really feathery ankled hooves. Her green and blue eyes seem to help capture the hearts of most people at a glance. Often seen with big feathery wings.

She is a healer and alchemist of great ability and truly cares for her patients. She seems to be quite lucky even though she's very clumsy. Her love of cute things tends to be problematic for her most often. Kinda can be clueless or air headed.

Winter likes many things. She's shy, well mannered and kind. She's got little for confidence but tons for respect. Superstitious and kinda cowardly. She's a pacifist that loves archery. She prides herself on being the all around good girl. She loves cute gothic emo guys with shaggy or long hair. Especially the ones that let her dress them as a sissy boy.

Her species has to form a soul contract (soul bond) with demons or angels of different levels or they cease to exist. Her demon she is soul bonded to is a succubus. This succubus feeds on the energy she receives from Winter's feelings and emotions. The stronger her emotions/ feelings the more powerful the succubus. 

Her mate is Anubis (my mate's fursona). He means a lot to her. He started out as her main bodyguard that her over protective parents hired for her daily life. At night she rests with other forms of protection.