


5 years, 8 months ago


Name: Alex

Gender: Male

sexuality: gay

he likes big warm sweaters when its cold outside. at home he also enjoys to have baggy comfy clothing thats a tad oversized fore him. during summer he enjoys shorts and t shirts not to tight eather. but not as baggy as the big sweaters he uses during winter.

hes a nerdy little guy who loves nature and all within it. At first he seems shy and nervouse. once u begin too talk to him he slowly warms up to you. but if you immedently hit him up with nature hes gonna nerd out about it and the varius nuts. of course only if the other creature wants to hear about it. he lives in a treehouse a bit away from other chimereons on his own. he loves to make peanutbutter and loves many kinds of foods. hes afraid of water and of drowning. Hes learned to walk in the short end of the water but the deep end still very much terrifies him.

he currently has grown fond and have grown two crushes at once. and has warmed his heart. and hes fallen hard for the both of em. He wants nothing more then to be close to them and learn from them but also help them learn some of his little nature tricks. While they teach him not to fear water nerly as much.

proof of gummy goo leaf.