Hayyan Refero



5 years, 6 months ago


"People have an innate sense of honesty and realness. It's not up to you to put on a show or impress anyone. Your job is to express who you are" - Joe Gaebel

Basic info

PRONOUNSShe / her on record, experimenting with he / him. Okay with any honorifics (sir, miss, mister, etc.)
BLOOD CASTEYellow § Gold (#B29E14
AGE12 sweeps  (~26.7 human years)
TROLL TAGmeticulousArtillery [MA]

"Meticulous" is an adjective for "showing great attention for detail; very careful and precise", the kind of quality for a gunsmith and one who utilizes a firearm as his main weapon. "Artillery" refers to "high-caliber guns used in warfare on land", another reference to Hayyan's job and the amount of work he puts into it and his craft.
SIGILCuprum Arsenicatum

A yellowblood survival ability to zoom in far or close, using his eyes as binoculars or magnifying glasses. This gives him gold irises and pale yellow pupils, and those pupils increase or decrease in size when zooming in like that of a camera.
OCCUPATIONGunsmith shopkeeper in a Stronghold 21 mall

A custom made revolver he created himself, which has the metal painted his blood color and a six chamber barrel.
FETCH MODUSTarget Practice

Hayyan stores an item in a generated "target" card. In order to retrieve an item, the target for that item is presented at a distance like a shooting range and he has to land a bullseye in order to withdraw the item.

A hive high up a treetop that his lusus helps him reach to when he returns from work. It is the only way to ascend there, as there are no ladders or ropes to climb with; this is to ensure intruders don't get in.
LUSUSGolden Eagle Mom

A rather large golden eagle that is a smart cookie and has a great memory. She's protective of her and Hayyan's home and will not hesitate to lift malicious trolls intending to intrude, dropping them in a lake nearby.
  • Gun crafting
  • Puzzles, particularly crosswords, mazes, spot-the-difference, and lateral thinking puzzles
  • Board and retro video games like chess and NES/SNES/Arcade games, especially Duck Hunt
  • Physics and forensic science. Slight interest in meteorology too thanks to Rypite
  • Sweets and candy
  • Dogs and birds. Totally not because of Duck Hunt or it's his matesprit's lusus and his own
- Proper capitalization (First letter of sentences, first letter of names, after periods, and "I")
- Proper punctuation (Periods, commas, and apostrophes)
- Replaces O with ⨀ to represent a target or eye
- Prefixes words with an = but only if said word contains an ⨀

MA: =⨀h, an en passant capture? =Y⨀u're much =m⨀re than a beginner than I =⨀riginally assumed. =C⨀l⨀r me pleasantly surprised.


Hayyan Refero (or to strangers, simply Refero) is someone who can seem difficult to approach or initiate conversation with for numerous reasons. He's a prolific Corporate gunsmith, aloof in his mannerisms, and professional and stern in appearance. That's simply a front however, as Hayyan is a person who's incredibly straightforward and to the point with people; he tells it like it is and isn't afraid to say it. While bluntness can come at a price in some cases, it's this sincerity that's his biggest strength, especially in a world where's it's common for people to wish for some kind of escape altogether. Honesty is an ideal that Hayyan values a lot in people along with general kindness and he can be rather intuitive about someone's intentions or goals.

With regulars, friends, and loved ones, Hayyan's walls are down. He has this wit and charm to him, expressing fondness for the people in his life and more open about himself beyond her job such as his special interests in certain video games, puzzles, the news going on in the Stronghold, etc. With those Hayyan's especially close with, he's nurturing and clever, lightly teasing at points out of this fondness. He's more transparently confident and social in these situations than he would be with strangers or new customers.

Hayyan is someone who tends to always keep his guard up around most people, insisting on surname basis with people unless they're close to him. He keeps himself sharp and ready because in truth, Hayyan is someone who has difficulty bringing himself to trust others. When he was a kid, Hayyan was incredibly interested in specifically retro video games, with games like Duck Hunt, Metroid, etc. being special interests to him even now. However, he got bullied by others, which led to his hive being robbed just after he turned six sweeps and wasn't financially supported by Corporate anymore. Hayyan was pretty much forced into a situation of getting back what was stolen from him, leading to him crafting firearms and selling them, while at the same time, having to mask away his passions.

Because of this, Hayyan has a more anti-Corporate perspective - while not explicitly expressed a lot of the time, he does have unapologetic sympathy for those who are overworked and more downtrodden because he sees his teenage self in them. Hayyan also has a distaste for Corporate regulators even if he does provide his work to them. He's seen and heard of their wrongdoings, even witnessed them in his shop, but it's more difficult to refuse their requests unlike other customers. Hayyan's willing to provide to those who need a method of self defense and especially those who appreciate guns as a form or art in of itself, though won't hesitate to show people who's boss if they can't be trusted with his art.

  Good/neutral traits

  • Unafraid to tell it like it is; straightforward and honest
  • Values kindness and cordial
  • Dependable, encouraging to close ones. Protective of them
  • Organized; hard working
  • Very analytical and composed
  • Witty and charming, especially with loved ones
  • Good sense of people and morality

  Bad traits

  • Withdrawn and difficult to get close with
  • Can be quite cynical, especially with his bluntness
  • Skeptical of and stern to most people initially
  • Quite stubborn and uncompromising
  • Can come across as overbearing
  • Can hold a persistent grudge 
  • Somewhat self sacrificial view of himself


   Urscio Cerbon

A regular of Gunnhildr, often times visiting for repairs and chats in the meantime. While Hayyan saw past the bullshit that Urscio tried to pull when they first interacted with their former bias against lowbloods, they've since come to a strong understand one another and have each other's backs. He really has no issue fixing the firearms for the mafia boss, and though he insists on them being more careful next time with them each time, Hayyan appreciates the visits and the fact his matesprit's okay regardless.



   Rypite Koldan

Appreciators of firearms and puzzles, the two of them are rather close friends, a connection of which is very meaningful to Hayyan. Being with Rypite allows him to express his more fun loving and passionate attitude comfortably despite his layers of caution and vigilance. He's quite protective of Rypite but doesn't condescend or patronize him as he's pretty aware of his struggle with being taken seriously or underestimated. In a sense, they both encourage each other to open up the parts of themselves they otherwise don't wish to with anyone else.

