Yanbi Ramsey



5 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info


Yanbi Ramsey


Yani, Yan, Crazy Bitch




October 17th


Female (She/It)




Name: Yanbi Ramsey
Alias/Nickname: Yan
Age: 21 (Oct 17th)
Sex: Female
Gender: Female (She/It Pronouns)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Occupation: A part of the [Insert name here] group
Original Setting: None
Content Warnings: Violence, Gang activity
Appearance: Yanbi has blonde hair pulled up in a small ponytail or bun. She has headphones on though her headphones are never playing anything, they're mostly for aesthetic and making herself look vulnerable. She has a grey hoodie over a peekaboo grey crop top with either jeans or a plaid skirt. She wears fishnets and sneakers. In traditional Yankii style, she sometimes has a face mask pulled down to her chin and her jacket over her shoulders. Yanbi never seems to open her eyes, occasionally squints.
Personality: Yanbi is your typical yandere, quirky, friendly and flirty but overall not someone to mess with. If you get her attention beware because she's dangerous. Her weapons of choice is her nail bat and her scissors which she has good accuracy and speed. While she is dangerous to have as an enemy, she does have her loyalties. People who can handle her get her respect and she doesn’t try to kill those she has respect for, although she does still mess with them. She's also is very protective of her little sister. She isn't afraid to fight dirty and goes for weak points. She is a compulsive liar and can be really manipulative. She is a prankster and trickster
Backstory: Yanbi is the elder sister to Luci Ramsey. After their parents died, in order to get by she joined a group, who could "take care of her and her sister" although she learned quickly that what she was involved with was a group that was dangerous and that she couldn't risk leaving without risking the life of her and her sister.
Rumors: Mess with her you mess with her people, She has killed someone before
Mostly found at: Backstreets of town
Abilities: Good with a bat, Good with scissors