!! $80 + trade's Comments

I find myself coming back to this boy every day to see if he is taken. It's a damn shame I'm broke AF or I'd snap him in a heart beat. Good luck!

It’s okay! I’m happy you like him and tysm! ✨

Dude i see shark i gotta offer it’s my brand/lh

I don’t have money(no job been trying i swear sob) BUT i can offer literally physically anyone from any folder even my sona folder aslong as it isn’t Tiikeri, Hishi, Archeon, or Coati and whatever art i’m willing to push myself for this design >:]

Which means ill do anything from a couple headshots to fullbodies rendered not rendered you name it; https://toyhou.se/24453440.art-examples


thank you for atleast considering🙏

I can offer 70 with a hold

I can also offer this guy along with it


If I make it 80 do we have a deal 👀

Sure I can take it! 

Awesome! Should be about 3-4 day wait at the worst

6 Replies

I'll offer two full bodies for this character 

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Thank you!! 

Damn, they're gorgeous!!! >u<!!! <3 <3 <3! 

Thank youuuu!!! ✨✨

SHARK <3 LOOK AT EM SO GOOD OMG! If I had the extra cash to ab him rn I would 🩵

TYSSMMMMMMM ✨✨ I had fun making him yaya I’m happy you like, it means a lot!