Desert Rose



2 months, 25 days ago



9c99427d.gif GENDER: Female
7f529699.gif PRONOUNS: She/Her
ebf42148.gif SEXUALITY: Lesbian
1ce5f971.gif ETHNICITY/SPECIES: Pegasus
9b6b65d3.gif ALIGNMENT: Celestial Court
a4094bf5.gif AGE: 25

0da54f34.gif DESERT ROSE 0da54f34.gif

Aut viam inveniam aut faciam.

dcfef26b.gif BACKSTORY ...

Hailing from a rich and noble family from Canterlot, Desert Rose found herself the center of attention due to her her looks. However, she felt as if that wasn't right- that she had so much more to her than just looking nice... So, she made her way to the Royal Guard Academy and chose to devote herself into studying swordfighting and self-defense. It was during this that her family's house was broken into while she was training and managed to single-hoofedly take down the unicorn thief despite their attempts to use their magic against her. It was this success that gave her the promotion she needed to become an official royal guard, specializing in bodyguarding in particular.

dcfef26b.gif PERSONALITY ...

Desert Rose is a gentle soul with a strong voice, she knows there are people with less fortunate births than her own and uses her status as a royal guard to help as many as possible. Desert Rose may come off as a prissy rich kid due to her sassy and sarcastic nature to those she dislikes, but she truly does want to try her best. Though of course, she just has her limits and is not a woman to be underestimated as she's had enough attempts on her fortune and legacy to tell when someone is simply trying to use her to gain power and money.
Desert Rose has a habit of judging too harshly on first glance, and has learned to be wary of anyone that crosses her path no matter how friendly they may seem. This makes her seem closed-off and stand-offish. On the physical front though, she tends to forget to watch her back and may get tunnel vision on the opponent in front of her.

dcfef26b.gif AESTHETIC ...
