


5 years, 8 months ago



"in a world of locked rooms, the man with the key is king; and honey, you should see me in a crown~"

name: kristofferson emmerson-clarke
nickname: kris, krissy
age: 18
gender: male
species: mongrel
date of birth: dec 1
height: 154cm
occupation: none

A bit of a self-centred brat; he feels the need to love himself because no one else ever did.


Kris is outwardly nothing but a selfish brat to all he meets. After a difficult childhood of losing his parents, growing up in an unfamiliar environment and being bullied by his peers for being "too girly", it's no surprise that his teenage years are revealing a bad temper and cold attitude. He tries to view himself as utter royalty - better than everyone else - and brags about anything he absolutely can just for the sake of boosting his own ego.

However, deep down Kris is very very sensitive and delicate, only showing this side to his closest friend and adoptive brother Marley, who's very used to being woken up at night by Kris's hysterical outbursts and sobbing-fits. He hates being seen as weak, and thus does all he can to puff himself up with pride and egotism, even at the cost of being deemed as selfish.


  • attention
  • expensive food
  • marley
  • fire
  • getting dirty
  • being alone/ignored

  • hides behind his ego - deep down a huge crybaby
  • loves himself because he thinks no one else will
  • major trust issues
  • gets extreme anxiety and paranoia when Marley is absent for too long
  • extremely grossed out by chewing noises
Design Notes

  • pawpads are pink with brown dapples
  • has long, dark eyelashes and an overall very 'feminine' complexion
  • has a big, fluffy 'mane' around his neck - which is smaller in anthro and often tucked into his shirts
  • asymmetrical design on his face and back legs

Kris' overall design is pretty simple, consisting of light grey fur and brown accents. His breed isn't very clear at first glance, but it's speculated that he carries some retriever, dalmatian and terrier genes. In anthro form, his frame is extremely scrawny, though isn't quite so obvious when wearing a shirt, as his fluffy neck-mane puffs out his figure a little more to make him seem a little healthier than he really is.



Kris was born to a very wealthy couple and was practically waited on hand and foot, being well and truly spoiled rotten. He lived in a mansion as an only-child; so you can already imagine just how much attention he would get from those whom he lived with, and whomever worked for his parents. By the time he was 5 years old, however, and was just about to enroll in private education, his life of luxury came crumbling down when the Clarke family mansion caught alight and burned to the ground in the middle of the night. Though many attempted to escape the flaming building, Kris was the only one to get out alive - the last thing him seeing being his parent's mortified faces as they screamed at him to run and not look back, shortly before the roof collapsed onto them.

Young Kris, now homeless and an orphan in the span of one night, was later taken to an orphanage after having been found wandering the streets. He didn't take to his new life well, however, and would frequently yell, cry, tease and bully the other children, taking out his anger and traumatic experiences onto them completely unprovoked. He refused to cooperate at school, and was overall extremely difficult to handle. He eventually broke out of the orphanage, making quite a scene and smashing a lot of windows in the process, and ran away, determined to become independant at only 9 years old.

After a few weeks of wandering from town to town, stealing and scavaging from food stalls, garbage disposals and camping in peoples garages (often getting caught and chased out of town), he finally found refuge; a seemingly abandoned shack with a surprisingly warm and cozy interior; completely unaware that it wasn't uninhabited at all... and thus, he met Marley.

Marley, having lived alone for as long as he could remember, initially took no note of Kris letting himself inside his home, and fed and clothed the child without hesitation, much to Kris' surprise. The two didn't talk much at first, but Marley's immediate instinct was to treat this lost child with hospitality, whereas Kris, now starving, fraile and emotionally destroyed, clung to Marley's aid in desperation - finally letting himself show his more vulnerable side to this stranger... the two would open up more and more, and not once was there any talk about Kris leaving, nor Marley needing to leave, and thus a brotherhood was born.


Kris still proceeds to live in the - now slightly-upgraded - shack with his adoptive brother and caregiver Marley, and still only trusts him with his deepest secrets and most vulnerable feelings, of which Marley doesn't breathe a word of it to anyone. Kris still keeps up his cocky act and facade, oftentimes even around Marley, though the older canine knows that it's a fake personality and continues to baby and swaddle him anyway.


Marley best friend / caregiver

Kris met Marley during a dark part of his childhood, and since then saw him as his safe-haven. He trusts him with everything, especially sides that no one else had seen. Marley has helped him adjust to a much less 'prissy' lifestyle, and though Kris will still whine and complain and act in his usual, cocky way, he's eternally grateful for Marley's hospitality and would do anything for him.