Dakota Monroe Sawyer's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!



webkinz Global Rules

By receiving a design by me by any means, you are automatically agreeing to the following terms. Please DM me with any questions/concerns!!

  • Please do not sell my designs for more than what you personally spentĀ on them- be it through paid commissions or their initial sale to you. You may also add on the worth of completed personal art within reason. Trading and regifting is fine!
  • Don't use my designs to promote any form of hate/bigotry!
  • I do not allow commercial use on any of my designs, if this is something you'd like to talk to me about, PM me!
  • You are free to change up the design however you feel (short of whitewashing them...) as long as they are still generally recognizable!
  • You may draw over art/designs I've done that you own if there are changes you'd like to make but please always keep a copy of the original file in the gallery and credit me properly if needed!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Cannot be resold