Raine Cross



8 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info


Raine Cross


unknown, however has the appearance of a young adult




They occasionally work as a doctor and/or nurse in numerous locations however, their official job is the secretary to the Head of the Cross family.


At first glance, Raine looks quite composed and collected. With a gentle smile and charming eyes, they are easy to approach and befriend. Their knowledge for medicine and healing practices is vast but they always claim to look for more information on it. Many people can find Raine in the wilderness alone since they enjoy looking for new species of organisms and their potential in medicinal usage. They also like to cook too. Whenever stressed, Raine has a tendency to stress-bake; it just kind of happens. 

Despite the positive traits mentioned above, Raine's seemingly high patience runs thin when they're around their family. They love their family but Raine's biggest stressor in life is probably their family. Raine often plays the straight man with three idiots all at once. They deal with a lot. Raine is used to cleaning and cooking in the house mainly because no one else in the family seems capable of it. They try but it always end up as a failure. Raine has shown concern for the family because if they are not around, what's going to become of this family? Even though they worry, they still end up leaving to travel frequently.

Raine used to have a very long braid but in the recent years, they found that having short hair removes a lot of burdens whenever they're camping outside. Nowadays, they sport a shorter haircut and it's very refreshing. They want to grow their hair long again just for the elegant look of the braid but it's too much of a hassle, honestly. 

Raine travels often and makes many stops at different locations, because of this, Raine has many acquaintances. They all think of Raine with high regards since most of the time, they help out with medical emergencies. Relationships with friends is a bit different for Raine. They only have a select amount of friends since most people they meet do not live as long as Raine do. Though eccentric, the friends Raine have are very kind.

Raine's current concern is their hands, they've been roughed up due to their work and cooking. Receiving little gifts like hand cream makes them happy.


Storm Cross: Raine's older brother. Raine respects Storm a lot since he is their older brother as well as the head of the family. He admires his work ethics though admits that he could take time off to just relax. Raine visits his greenhouse the most and learns a lot of new information about flora to help aid their medicinal research. Notes that he rarely leaves the house asides the greenhouse though. Raine often brings home new types of plants for him to add onto his collection. Amazingly, Storm has been frequently scolded by Raine for multiple things.

Lise Snowcatcher: Raine's sister-in-law. To this day, Raine probably still don't know why Lise married their brother since they're such an odd pair. They don't question it too much since the couple's love is genunine enough to convince them. Raine really wants Lise to clean up her appearance a little more but she always reverts back to her extreme fatigued state no matter what so they gave up on that shortly. They get along pretty well even if their usual conversation usually consist on Lise bugging Raine. Lise's company is always something they enjoyed. Has once asked them to bring back dead carcasses of animals for her research but had been severely refused. Now, she only gets cleaned up bones to study from and occassionally cute (or creepy, even) little mascots from other towns.

Zephyr Cross: Raine's nephew. Raine doesn't know what went wrong during Zephyr's childhood. He was a bit precocious as a child so they were worried they were growing up too fast but now they wish he had kept growing that way. Currently, Zephyr likes to show off his knowledge about "memes" and enjoys making Raine's life harder. He is very accident-prone and also a risk-taker. Purposely wears fashion that Raine hates.




(list of friends later lol)