The Ancient One



2 months, 23 days ago


The Ancient One - A creature from centuries ago. Believed to be nothing more than an old story told throughout the generations.

Some refer to them as the Cosmic Guardian, Shooting Star, Cosmo due to the tales told of their appearance. But the only common theme is, always being referred to as The Ancient One, just some offer The Ancient One: The Shooting Star when they are doing their tales. 

Although many tales are told of The Ancient One and their humanoid counterpoint, at some point, new stories came to a sudden end.

The last knew tale told of them being during a great threat towards life as all living creatures knew. A threat brought to an end by them, and in doing so. Ended the tales of what they once were.

Heros... Villains... Their stories, their role changing depending on who shared their tales.

But one thing they always brought was Hope.