


5 years, 8 months ago


Name: Cyan Plasma

Species: Slime creature, but takes on the form of a kangaroo

Sex: None due to being a slime creature, refers to herself as female

Skills: Medic and fighter

Relationship: Currently dating Funnel Vortex by FunnelVortex

Cyan started off as a project in a lab to counteract malicious slime monsters that dwell in the deepest areas of space consuming all in their wake. She was slowly formed over time in a test tube by scientists. When she came out, she spent a majority of her growth as a sapient being around the scientists who created her. Cyan spent a lot of time being a lab assistant and hitting the books to broaden her understanding of the world. Over time, she was trained in combat and healing to aid in the fight against the foes that threatened all forms of life. Cyan has a specialized suit to keep her body hydrated whenever she's out exploring the universe. Her suit also provides her with more protection and firmness to deal solid blows whenever she wants. Without it, she easily becomes more flexible in the moment but can be weakened by dry, arid environments that can suck all of the hydration out of her body and make her a lot slower over time. Since Cyan's DNA was altered during her creation in order to aid instead of destroy, she can temporarily consume beings within her body and heal their wounds before releasing them if the need to presents itself. She is also trained in traditional medical aid to wrap up an ally's wounds too if there's not enough time and safety to perform the former option. Cyan also has her own small spaceship that she travels around in, and yes, she does have a stereotypical laser gun at her side. ;)