Content Warning

Mature Content Warning

This page has been marked as containing mature content. By continuing, you acknowledge that you are 18 years old or over.

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:



This is by no means an NSFW focused account. Characters and their images will 99% of the time be SFW, with only a very select few characters having images being NSFW in nature, which I will heavily tag and make known through thumbnails and warnings. 

As for other warnings, some character biographies and stories from me will contain disturbing and potentially upsetting content, so read at them at your own risk. It is not a lighthearted read, and specific characters will be tagged with different triggers accordingly as you view them, but as a general warning, my characters will contain the following:

  1.  Textual mentions of Violence, and at the worst, gore. Some visual depiction of blood and violence.
  2.  Mentions of depression, self harm, or in the worse case scenario, suicide. Suicide will NEVER be depicted outright, but other upsetting imagery in regards to mental health may be depicted either textually or through images. Images will be tagged accordingly.  
  3.  Mentions of abuse of all kinds: physical, verbal, sexual at the worst. These will NOT be depicted in any explicit capacity, nor are they glorified in any way, but are a prevalent part of certain character's backstory and history. Such characters will be tagged accordingly.  
  4. Once in a while, there will be explicit, sexual NSFW art, purposely arranged to be at the back of a character's gallery. Those images, as well as the characters associated with them, will also be tagged accordingly.
  5. Harsh, cruel, and/or crude language may appear throughout.  Slurs will NEVER be used, but swears and textual mentions of abuse/bullying may be. 
If any of these bother you to extreme degrees, please do not browse through. Although it will most likely be textual, these topics are very sensitive and should not be read if you are not in the right headspace. Please look after yourself. 

Character Content Warning

This character profile has been marked with a content warning:

Dirin's biography and character heavily mentions the use of violence, blood, and gore in regards to his character. This is unavoidable, since his main ability is hemokinesis, or the manipulation of blood. His story involves his struggle to retain his humanity after selling his soul to a demon. There will not be an extreme depiction of gore artwise, but be wary of descriptions of violence when reading the bio. Some images may have blood depicted.


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