[Taken] Vedfolnir



5 years, 8 months ago


art by StarkindlerStudio and EternaNyx-Art

Rather than being found near the Tarandus borders, this rather large  fellow is often found wandering the lush lands below the mountains.  Often seeming to show no emotion aside from a blank stare or a curious  glance, perhaps due to his lack of communication with most other  wildlings. 'Folnir' as he is sometimes referred to as, is often giving  off a faint aura, using his magic to hold up a magical barrier around a  small area of a forest (?) where his friends and 'family' live.

When  this magic is nearing the end of its use for the time being, the  crystals on his cloak light up (cloak made by the xerneas wildling) to  warn him of this so that he may find a safe place and take a couple days  to a week to rest.
During this period of rest, he will turn the  ground around him and himself to stone, to give off the impression that  he is just a harmless statue, something that no one would attempt to  harm or attack. It is merely a self defense spell and often times his  good friend will come to visit him when it is time for this.

Folnir is an awkward wildling, he doesnt understand normal  behavior yet and finds himself often curious about other wildlings and  their communities but is never seen coming directly into a community,  usually just standing on their borders for their safety and perhaps his.  
Generally a big cinnamon roll that just wants to keep others safe.

Will add more soon
