♣️ Grim



5 years, 8 months ago



NAME: Unknown AGE: 18 years 
GENDER: Female PRONOUNS: She/her 
STATUS: Joker of Clubs ETHNICITY: Caucasian/Clubs 

"Regicide would be the answer if the position wasn't cursed to be filled with soulless monsters overflowing with pride."

As a Joker, Grim is ever loyal to the crown and is an extension of their will and power over their kingdom. She will follow all orders no matter the cost to herself, though years of experience coming from the moment she was brought to the castle at the age of five has proven useful to keeping her alive in situations that make the common soldier shutter. Her deadly abilities, the dark capes she always wears while out on the job, and a scythe as her weapon has caused her to earn her reputation as The Reaper and the sight of her cheek marks brings fear to them all.
While on missions, she relies on stealth and stamina to catch her opponents by surprise and outlast any fight they manage to put up should they manage to avoid her initial surprise attack. She attempts to make all deaths she must cause be as swift and painless as possible.
As good as she is at her job, she secretly loathes it. She's come to despise royalty and longs for freedom, but knows that her freedom will come at the cost of somebody else's and so she continues to silently suffer through all that's thrown at her.

Her true name is long forgotten. 


Cold and calculating, her stoic and stubborn side is all that most strangers will see of her. Get close to her however and a gentle and caring maternal figure will emerge.


✔ Reading, writing, music, animals (though cute ones she has a real weakness for), the dark, night in general.


✖ Self important people, dresses (though she will wear them), her 'shadow,' disrespect of the dead, spiders.


Kai Heart | acquaintance
Collins Heart | acquaintance
Jo Althea | acquaintance
Catrina Embuli | acquaintance

♣️ TRIVIA ♣️

Completely fine to draw with extreme gore! She’s used to tons of it since it is her job.

She tends to wear dark colours including black capes, but we don't have any pictures of her in one that we can put here at the moment. If you'd like to draw her in more modern clothing though, she'd probably often be found wearing hoodies if she could. Otherwise, have fun with dressing her up in crazy clothes, she'll basically wear anything.

Thicc and strong af.

(Quick warning for blood in that last picture!)

Profile template by @Uclia