
2 months, 4 days ago


The reaper of bargaining that gave people extra time in exchange for their memories.

It had been the first time the woman had ever thought about death. She had thought she was too young to need to think about it, only in her thirties, yet in front of her was a reaper and the cold air of death that chilled her to the bone.

"Please, give me more time! I have so much more to live for!" she sobbed.
"Very well," agreed the reaper, "Give me your sight in exchange, so I may see the world you strive to stay in."

The woman agreed. Her sight was no longer perfect, but she was alive and happy.
Then years passed and the reaper returned.

"Please, give me more time!"
"Very well. Give me your strength, so I may wander the world you strive to stay in."

The woman agreed. She could no longer move as quickly as she wanted, but she was alive and happy.
Then years passed and the reaper returned.

"Please, give me more time!"
"Very well."

With each visit the reaper took more. Gradually, the woman lost more: her smell that savored nostalgic scents, her taste that enjoyed countless meals, her beauty she prided herself over, the memories she shared with everyone. The reaper studied them to understand the world people feared leaving so much, and eventually returned.

The woman, sitting in her bed and surrounded by loved ones, smiled at the reaper.

"I've had enough time. I'm ready to go."

"Very well."

Notes: Barbara Ghenning. Barb Ghenning. Bargaining! I really love old folktales where something paranormal causes something we deal with to this day, it's where I got the idea for Bargaining. I like this idea that our aging and all the complications that come from it can be some kind of trade off for more time.


Full Name: Barbara Ghenning

Nicknames: Barb

Age: ??? (Adult)

Birthday: July 16

Sexuality: ???

Hair/Eye Color: ???

Height: 5'3"

Weight: 138 Ibs

Personality: Of all five reapers, Barbara is perhaps the one that most resembles what people think a reaper is like. She has a grim demeanor, yet holds an endless curiosity for the mortal world treasured so dearly by those she reaps. No matter how much she studies, there will always be a disconnect as someone like her could never fully understand the meaning of life. Maybe that's what she mourns in silence.

- Immortality - Ageless, yet her mortal form can be killed. She can, however, return, though the amount of time it takes for this to happen varies.
- Forecast - Capable of seeing how much time someone has left in their life. It's inaccurate, as Fate is often changing.

Drawing Details: Always dressed in a veiled mourning outfit. Her face is not visible.

Fun/Extra Facts:

- She entered the mortal realm before one of the reapers disappeared and caused the others to search. 

- She does not stay in the mortal realm and often disappears back into the afterlife.

- She keeps many scrapbooks full of memories she's taken, and often looks back at them fondly.

- Prefers to experience the world through the eyes and memories of the souls she reaps. There may be hesitation to try it herself.