Basic Info






Fisherman, lure maker


Salmonid (Mutant "Salmonling")








A mutated Salmonling, specifically a Maws, who runs a Bait & Tackle shop with her husband in a podunk area at the edge of Salmonid territory, nearing Inkling turf. Despite the area being relatively quiet and unimpressive, many Salmonids and Salmonlings come by to purchase her high quality bait and lures. Usually she makes the lures by hand, and goes out to collect worms and other creatures for bait herself. She also ships to other stores for the sake of ease, which has given her more money and kept her business alive. When she isn't running her shop or making deliveries, she's fishing with her family, or off getting food.

Nobody knows her name, save for a few people, really. She doesn't usually think to share it, as she's typically lost in thought. More often than naught she's referred to as "Tackle" by her customers, and it's become such a common nickname that even her close friends and family call her that, too. She doesn't seem to mind, really!

She's a bit of a space cadet, usually off in her own world of thoughts. She has a wistful manner of speaking most of the time and has a very chill vibe about her. To those that don't know her, she seems to be either extremely out of it or tired... Though that's sometimes the case. She might not always get enough sleep due to her wandering mind keeping her up.

Tackle married a natural Salmonling, a pacifist and easygoing Steelhead that goes by the name Bosco. The two of them are affectionate, but also easygoing and don't mind it when they don't see each other for extended periods--after all, the two of them often go fishing without the other!

She is the parent of another Salmonling who she named Chickpea. He's a reserved and somewhat shy Smallfry that is almost always clinging onto his mother in one way or shape. He loves to go fishing, but doesn't often play with others his age. But if they want to go fishing with him, he's more than happy to! He's relatively large for his age however, though this is due to having a Maws and Steelhead as parents. He could train to be a Steelhead, however Tackle is leery of training and sending him out for combat, and he's much too shy for battle. He'd rather spend his time fishing and reading.

Big mom with a big, scary mouth. She's also extremely tall, taller than even Stinky! (aprox. 8'10" tall) A loving wife, tender mother, and a good, stable friend that loves to listen. Gives the best hugs.

Always hungry. Will eat a squid (or octopus) if given the opportunity. While she IS capable of fighting, she really doesn't care to... But if she smells or sees an Inkling, it's best for that squid kid to run.

Being a mutated Salmonling, she differs greatly from Bosco, and the other Salmonlings in the area. She never speaks of her past with anyone, and the only person who knows anything about it is her husband. She was raised in a lab that altered her DNA to create a more advanced set of Salmonlings. For most of her life she only knew what it was like to live with constant testing... Though early on it wasn't so bad. She was taken care of and looked after... But a major shift happened. The head scientist seemed to lose her mind, and started creating chimeras, reconstructing test subjects and innocent bystanders into unrecognizable creatures. She helped a few others escape when they had the opportunity, but she got separated from them. Due to her past she started off as very tense and didn't trust anyone, however after meeting Bosco, she started to calm down and eventually mellowed out significantly.