Eduard Churin



2 months, 3 days ago


Character purchased way long ago ‎13. ‎March ‎2020, from WhiteRaven via D.A (Sadly don´t have the link anymore)


A steampunk Era inventor who got saved from deathand brought into the current world along with Val and co.



Living in the past times,

Early Life and Steampunk Era

Eduard Churin was born in a gritty, industrial city during the height of the steampunk era. From a young age, he was fascinated by the gears, steam engines, and clockwork devices that powered his world. He apprenticed under a master inventor, quickly surpassing his mentor’s skill and gaining a reputation for creating innovative, if sometimes dangerous, contraptions.

As a young adult, Eduard became a well-known figure in the underground inventing community, working on secret projects that often skirted the edge of legality. His inventions were both admired and feared, as they had the potential to revolutionize society—or destroy it, along his very skilled father, the two were a force to be reakon with. He worked tirelessly, driven by a desire to push the boundaries of what was possible, but this obsession came at a cost. Eduard often found himself in perilous situations, both because of the volatile nature of his work and the dangerous people who sought his inventions.

The Portal and Escape to the Modern World

Eduard’s life took a dramatic turn when, after meeting Val, one of the rivals had set an explosiv in the workshop to kill him and his father.. It went catastrophically wrong. His workshop was destroyed in an explosion, his father crushed under the debrees and fire and Eduard was left on the brink of death. However, just as his fate seemed sealed, he was pulled through a mysterious portal, saved by Val.

Eduard awoke in the modern world, disoriented and overwhelmed by the technological marvels that surrounded him. Despite the culture shock, he quickly adapted, his natural curiosity driving him to explore and understand this new world. Val, recognizing his genius and potential, offered him a place on her team. Grateful for his second chance, Eduard agreed, bringing his unique steampunk knowledge and skills to aid her in her endeavors. His hair had taken on another color after the portal flow. 

Introduction of the Feline Companion

During his early days in the modern world, Eduard was introduced to a scraggly, injured cat that had been found by Caleb, another member of Val’s team. The cat was in rough shape, having been abandoned and left to fend for itself in the harsh urban environment. Caleb, with his nurturing nature, took it upon himself to nurse the cat back to health, but the team needed a permanent home for the feline.

Eduard, initially resistant to the idea of keeping the cat, saw it as a distraction from his work. He had little experience with pets, especially one as seemingly useless as a cat, which didn’t fit into his mechanical, utilitarian mindset. However, as time passed, the cat—whom Caleb had affectionately named "Gizmo"—began to grow on Eduard. Gizmo had a knack for finding his way into Eduard’s workshop, curling up on a pile of blueprints or perching on a shelf to watch him work.

The cat’s quiet, unassuming presence provided an unexpected comfort to Eduard. Slowly, he started to appreciate the companionship, even catching himself talking to Gizmo as he worked, much like he did with his inventions. Eduard’s initial reluctance gave way to genuine affection, and Gizmo became a permanent fixture in his life.

Gizmo proved to be more than just a companion. His curiosity often led him to discover small mechanical faults in Eduard’s inventions, like loose gears or misaligned components. Eduard began to see Gizmo as a partner of sorts, and the cat’s sharp instincts helped inspire new designs.

Goals and Motivations

  • Understanding and Mastery: Eduard is driven by a desire to understand the modern world’s technology and to master it, combining it with his own steampunk designs to create something entirely new.
  • Redemption: Haunted by the mistakes of his past, Eduard seeks redemption by using his inventions to help others, rather than for personal gain or dangerous ends.
  • Loyalty to Val: Val saved Eduard from certain death, and he feels a deep sense of loyalty to her. He sees working for her as not only repaying a debt but also as a way to find purpose in this new world.
  • Curiosity and Exploration: Eduard is endlessly curious about the new world he finds himself in. He wants to explore every corner of it, learn its secrets, and apply that knowledge to his work.
  • Caring for Gizmo: Eduard has developed a deep bond with Gizmo, seeing the cat as a symbol of his new life and the changes he’s undergone. Caring for Gizmo helps ground Eduard, reminding him of the importance of balance and companionship in life.

Additional Information

  • Relationship with Val: Eduard views Val as both a savior and a mentor. While their relationship is professional, there’s a deep respect and a growing friendship between them. He admires her strength and leadership, and she values his ingenuity and loyalty.
  • Integration into the Modern World: While Eduard is fascinated by the modern world, he also feels a sense of loss for the era he left behind. He struggles with integrating into this new society, often feeling out of place, but his passion for invention keeps him grounded.
  • Gizmo’s Role: Gizmo is not just a pet but a constant reminder of Eduard’s journey from a solitary inventor to a more open and emotionally connected person. The cat’s presence in his life represents the unexpected joys and challenges of adapting to a new world, and their bond is a source of comfort and inspiration for Eduard.


To Him:

Style: Typically dressed in the practical yet stylish attire of a Victorian inventor: waistcoat, high-collared shirts, and a long overcoat, all in dark, earthy tones. He wears protective goggles, often perched atop his head, and fingerless gloves worn from constant use. After arriving in the modern world, his style evolves slightly, incorporating more modern elements while retaining a steampunk flair.


  • Positive Traits:
    • Ingenious and Innovative: Eduard is a brilliant inventor with a mind constantly buzzing with ideas. His ability to see potential in everything around him makes him a master of improvisation and innovation.
    • Curious and Inquisitive: A true scientist at heart, Eduard is always eager to learn and understand new concepts, especially in this new world. His curiosity drives him to explore and adapt to modern technology and culture.
    • Resilient and Determined: Surviving in the harsh, often dangerous world of steampunk-era inventing has made Eduard incredibly resilient. He doesn't give up easily, even when faced with overwhelming challenges.
    • Resourceful and Practical: Eduard excels at making the most out of limited resources, a skill honed from working with the often scarce materials of his era. He can MacGyver a solution to almost any problem with whatever is at hand.
  • Negative Traits:
    • Socially Awkward: Having spent much of his life isolated in his workshop, Eduard can be awkward in social situations, especially in the modern world. He’s not always sure how to relate to others, especially those who aren’t as technically minded as he is.
    • Obsessive: Eduard has a tendency to become obsessed with his work, often losing track of time and neglecting his basic needs. This can lead to burnout or strain on his relationships with others.
    • Stubborn and Set in His Ways: While Eduard is open to new ideas, he can also be stubborn when it comes to methods or principles he believes in. His old-world sensibilities sometimes clash with the modern world’s approaches.
    • Haunted by the Past: Being saved from death and thrust into a new world has left Eduard with unresolved feelings and a sense of guilt. He struggles with the idea of leaving his old life behind and is haunted by the memories of those he couldn't save or the inventions that may have caused harm.

Skills and Abilities

  • Master Inventor: Eduard excels in mechanical engineering, clockwork design, and steam-powered technology. His creations are intricate and often ahead of their time, blending art and functionality.
  • Adaptability: Despite being from another era, Eduard has a remarkable ability to adapt and learn. He quickly grasps modern technology, although he often tries to incorporate his own steampunk aesthetic into his new inventions.
  • Combat Engineering: During his time, Eduard developed various gadgets and weapons, many of which he used for self-defense or sold to others. He can modify or create weapons and devices using modern materials, making him a valuable ally in conflict situations.
  • Scientific Knowledge: Eduard is well-versed in the sciences of his time, including chemistry, physics, and early electrical engineering. He has a deep understanding of how things work and how to make them work better.

Hobbies and Interests

  • Tinkering: Eduard's primary hobby is also his passion—tinkering with gadgets, devices, and anything mechanical. He finds immense satisfaction in creating new inventions, whether practical or purely for the joy of the craft.
  • Collecting Curiosities: He has a penchant for collecting oddities and curiosities, particularly those that might inspire his next invention. This includes gears, antique tools, rare books, and unusual trinkets.
  • Reading: Eduard enjoys reading, particularly scientific journals, engineering manuals, and philosophical works from both his era and the present day. He also enjoys novels, especially those that explore the possibilities of science and technology.
  • Observing Nature: When he’s not engrossed in his work, Eduard finds peace in observing the natural world. He is fascinated by how natural processes can inspire mechanical designs, and he often sketches plants, animals, and natural formations in his notebooks.

Quirks and Habits

  • Talks to His Inventions: Eduard often mutters to his inventions as he works on them, treating them almost as if they were sentient beings. This habit, endearing to some and strange to others, helps him think through problems.
  • Always Fiddling: Whether it’s adjusting his goggles, tinkering with a pocket watch, or idly spinning a gear, Eduard always has something in his hands. This constant need to engage with mechanics is both a quirk and a way to soothe his restless mind.
  • Old-Fashioned Manners: Despite his gruff exterior, Eduard retains the polite, formal manners of his time, often using phrases like “Good day” and “Pardon me.” This sometimes makes him seem quaint or out of place in modern society.
  • Fixation on Time: Given his work with clockwork mechanisms, Eduard is obsessed with time—both as a concept and in practical terms. He is often seen checking or adjusting clocks and watches, and he has a deep respect for punctuality.

-Later aquires a feline pet.

