Viridis - Pegasus's Comments

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Elekses If Jolly passes on her, I'm interested! Can offer HQ character trades or cash

Since Jolly didn't specify nor updated me so far if she wants to buy it or not. I would like to look at your offer.

Ok! Feel free to look through my sale/trade folder here on TH? most of my stuff should be there (and I'm potentially willing to do multiples, depending on which ones you like/are interested in)

Otherwise I can offer art (but there would be a delay on that as I'm currently moving- I wouldnt be able to start til late April;u;)

or, alternately, I can just do cash value!

So far i have only seen one character i like but i noticed it's worth is above my design.
I will still show what char i mean but i will let you decide, either trade or cash.

also. So i don't forget and you don't get surprised. She has a fullbody, colored with a MLP char, NSFW art piece.

I did see the NSFW piece, yes. (and that is ok with me).

I'd actually be willing to trade him for her if youd be willing to do just an additional anthro fullbody *if you have time* (just a colored sketch is fine, but something standing that could be used as additional reference, if that makes sense?)

I'd still be taking a cut in his value (I believe, I'm not sure what your prices are aaa) but I'd be more than willing to do so for her because I can see myself using her more than I've used him :X

Oh alright ^^ Wasn't sure.

I could do it but have a little list of commissions i gotta do before so it might take me a bit.
sketchy fullbody for me.. depending on the style (chibi,normal, semi realistic -complex) variate from 25-45€ (more if the design is complex.. but in this case it isn't)

chibi - (right one, the left one is more like my normal style)
semi realistic -complex  - (don't have an anthro one but its close to this one:
At some point i will have more and better examples of the anthros xvx

1 Replies
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Happy to hear that! Yes you can grab her (Paypal)  and sadly my commissions are closed right now. Already have a few things to finish before taking on more. 
I will make sure to let people know when i'm open again,with an updated price sheet ;3
Sadly none of them really appeal to me but thank you anyway ;w;

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Hi! Did you try drawing her in your style? :3
And alright. will pin you for the commissions ^^

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I will sadly have to decline your offer since i'm did not receive any updates nor payments. Thank you for understanding.

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Sorry but not really

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No problem