Kemi Nequam



2 months, 10 days ago


Basic Information:

Story - Cosmivengeon Era 2Role - background/death fodder antagonist
Name - Kemi NequamAge - 20Species - human
Height - 5'5"Gender - cisgender femalePronouns - she/her

Design Notes:
- Please don't forget her glasses or the bags under her eyes!
- You're welcome to draw her with the hood down or in other outfits entirely, but keep in mind that her hair is pretty short in the back!
- Try not to draw her super "fit" or curvaceous or anything, her diet is mostly trash food and she's kind of just a weak little twig. Don't give her a super huge chest or anything!
- She rarely, if ever, bothers to put on makeup, so don't overdo her eyelashes or give her any lipstick
- Her outfit "collar" can be drawn as either fluffy or spiky, but try not to forget the red loops on it!
- The symbol on her hood can be simplified to a more standard cross-like shape if need be

Kemi is somewhat of a hopeless lost cause. She's incredibly anti-social and "weird," with a flawed view of the world, and those she does interact with tend to write her off as a pathetic loser. This reputation is somewhat warranted by her oftentimes rude and forthright attitude, as well as her perpetual inability to stop and reflect on why other people call her the things they do. She primarily exists as a nocturnal husk; no job, no friends, no life, merely snacking on chips and cup ramen until ungodly hours in the night while scrolling through echo-chamber internet forums until the sun comes up and she falls asleep. For those she talks to regularly, her responses vary from baseless hatred to blatant unhealthy obsession depending on if she likes the person or not, though she usually leans to the prior for men and to the latter for women, regardless of their characters. Despite all her poor quirks and habits, the biggest issue is that Kemi is entirely content living this sort of life; she sees nothing wrong with it, and considers herself happy, so she's okay with aimlessly stagnating without ever seeking to improve herself. Even still, her happiness is unstable; if anything substantial went wrong in her life, she'd crumble faster than just about anyone else, even if she doesn't want to admit it.


Character/LinkRelationship TypeSummary
One-sided obsessionKemi is utterly infatuated with Maren to an almost yandere-esque degree. Even though she was thrown into therapy against her will by her organization, Kemi stopped complaining the second she saw that Maren was her new therapist. The effect was immediate and concerning; forum posts about "my hot therapist" started popping up under Kemi's user, her habits only got worse, and it even reached a point where she started making comments during therapy sessions, which Maren certainly wasn't getting paid enough to deal with. Within the scummy muck, however, something interesting started happening; oddly enough, despite nothing else working, Kemi started improving in gradual ways as a result of Maren asking her to do things. Soon after learning this, Maren, desperate to help people no matter the cost, accepted her fate as Kemi's crush obsession, and has started embracing it in a nonserious way for the sole purpose of getting Kemi to improve her life. Whether Maren genuinely cares about her is unclear, but she certainly wants her to escape the mental prison she's trapped in, even if it puts herself in an awkward position. Similarly, whether or not Kemi will ever regard Maren beyond a "hot therapist" remains to be seen.
Rivals/one-sided jealousyDespite Aolani being a woman of similar age, Kemi does not like her in the slightest. Ever since Aolani was accepted to the group, Kemi's felt as though she's taken time away from Maren that she could otherwise dedicate to her. As a result, Kemi is incredibly jealous of Aolani, and tries to minimize the time in which she interacts with Maren via any means possible. The two frequently bicker and get into fights, and they're almost never happy around each other. Kemi has told herself that she wouldn't be opposed to "getting rid" of Aolani if things continue, though it's unlikely she ever would unless pushed to do so by some external factor. Ultimately, Aolani doesn't care that much about Kemi in return - she regards her as a sad person, but the jealousy Kemi feels is far from mutual.
Enemies"A bitch. An absolute dickwad. A dumb fucking cretin. A complete and utter buffoon. A spineless moid. A waste of space and oxygen."

Kemi is a antisocial loner who joined the Archpriest's Seraphs one day out of near-obligation after her only prior friend backstabbed her and betrayed her trust. In stark contrast to the rest of the organization, she's incredibly lazy and barely contributes to their goals at all, instead just taking advantage of the free room and meals. Eventually, the higherups caught onto her antics, and she was forced into therapy against her will in hopes that it would improve her mental standings. Here, she met Maren, who she quickly grew obsessed with to an unhealthy extent. The two were on unusual terms for a while, but after months of therapy, Kemi finally started showing signs of improvement, simmering out some. However, it was all for nothing. She was ultimately killed during a dangerous Seraph mission, and nobody except Maren knew or cared enough to bother mourning her.