Hana Yi Byeon



5 years, 6 months ago


Gender Female

Height / Weight 5’7 … 134 lbs

Species Hybrid (considered Byyst hybrid in Guarmi verse)

... Alexander Archipelago Wolf (bastard child)

.... Guarmi Verse she is the Empress

...One could compare her demeanor to a Queen’s but if you look past her icier gaze, you’d soon feel the warmth behind those golden eyes. She is  never normally dismissive and will aim to hear people out, but if you’re  only looking for someone to pick a fight with, you might want to look  elsewhere. That isn’t to say that she isn’t the fighting type…. but the  threshold to what pulls that fight out of her is fairly high. You  /don’t/ want to see her actually angry. Unless you like bragging about a defeat to your friends.

Her cool and collected tongue can be both a benefit and a tool, letting her easily have an answer to almost any question. (downside is she appears rather cold and un-weilding) Though regardless of first glances, Hana is actually a big hearted softie who wants to help others… and she has a weak spot for children. It can be quite easy to like her….

Likes / Dislikes

The look of old bones - wind chimes - feathers - cream soup - Modesty and goodwill
Overly vulgar characters - taunting - taking advantage of someone weaker - herself