


1 month, 21 days ago



River Hudson

pronouns He/Him
orientation Biromantic/Demisexual
age 22
birth date June 23rd, ████
Patheon Greek TITAN
status ALIVE


height 5'4"
weight 135 lbs
ethnicity Hispanic American

River has blue eyes along with having curly messy brown hair with lighter brown highlights. Also has darker tanned skin and facial hair.

design notes

  • He has ADHD!
  • Steriotypical surfer dude outfit, he probably wears a fanny pack too if the weather is nice.


Likes: Surfing, hiking, and spray painting.
Dislikes: Doing puzzles, public pools, very calm in stressful situations.
Strengths: Very active/high agility, brings life to the party
Weaknesses: Struggles with identity, along with not really being good in the heat.

GODLY PARENT: Tethys Titan of Fresh Water [UNCLAIMED]

  • MAJOR POWERS: Atmokinesis- manipulation of weather (very small control), Hydrokinesis- manipulation of water (also allows him to make breathing bubbles underwater, smells salty though!), Healing water (like a posiden kid).
  • MINOR POWERS: Minor Mist manipulation.


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River absolutely radiates stereotyped surfer dude vibes, he is probably the most chillest guy there is! He often views other campers as family, regarding them as ‘Lil dude’ or ‘Lil guppy’ which this nature comes from the caretaker personality of his Titan parent, Tethys.

Originally from Camp CtL


Rough Backstory;

Parents were unfit to properly care of River, mother has been suffering with substance abuse along with father being neglectful and barely around, causing River to be alone in an unsafe environment. Was put in foster care at the age of 8, due to being abandoned (public pool), very traumatized and left with a decently nice foster family, although very uncomfortable at first. 18 months before River is sent back to his mother, however is taken away again once relapsed. Is housed with Sadie and Kennedy, very uneasy and unsure about living with them, often is seen running away to be by himself. Over the years, River forms a good relationship with both foster parents along with getting some help for his trauma and Mental health. Upon turning 16, he is officially adopted into the Hudson family! 17 he is introduced to summer camp (Thanks to a naiad who was one of River’s Surfer instructors!) and works on his surfing instructor license! Currently is a surf instructor


Adopted Younger Sister

Ellie “Winnie” Hudson

A close bond, the two being water related in godly blood made them close! River was unsure for a while if Ellie would ever warm up to him, but they warmed up to each other!

Adoptive Parents

The Hudsons

Kennedy Hudson [He/Him] and Sadie Hudson [She/Her] are River and Ellie's Adoptive parents, in which they were adopted after years of fostering them. The two had decided to foster kids due to Sadie being unable to have kids along with the two gentle souls having a love for taking care of kids, especially the older kids or ones who have mental/physical disabilites to give them a chance at love and proper care.


character name



May be a steriotypical surfer dude! 🏄🏄🏄