pend. 1's Comments

wahhh I hope you’re doing okay !! i really liked zek, what r you looking for (in terms of art bc i have no money lmao 😭)


thank yew oomfie.. yes am fine just irl things aaarghjwkw and i will consider ^_^^ (mainly bc i dont rly have ocs i  want art of atm cries.. but when i get or make a new silly i really like then i will sendeth over

ofc oomfie !! i hope things get better for u fr <33


What would it take to get ?


i'm okay with literally anything c,: don't care for her anymore kawjfjsjgd

Would you take da pts or like art for them? Tbh I don’t rly have many da pts..

art is fine w me c: could you do a flat icon of ic? can be a chibi or anything simple tbh

Aww yea they are so pretty I’ll get make an icon real quick~


hello! was wondering how things are going c: it's a less than a week since, are you still interested?

6 Replies

I really hope you're doing ok ❤️


just some irl things came up, i'll be fine, thank you!