


2 months, 8 days ago


tussilago is a member of a group of basilisks who call themselves "the flowers", an artist collective of sorts, who took a particular interest in intra-species artistic collaboration, currently in talks with a human artistic collective in stockholm. a big fan of the emerging expressionist movement (which hasn't really been coined as a term yet), tussilago values personal and individual expression in art highly, often combining it with the "shapeform" movement in basilisk culture, an artistic movement investigating how different forms interact with different art forms. their favourite artistic means is through fabric, but gained an interest in painting as well after trying it with humans.

tussilago is... a bit unhinged. they talk before they think, but don't like coming off that way - often ending up saying out of pocket things only to further elaborate into infinity about why they said it and how it truly touched upon something profound underneath the initial outrageous impression it gave off. despite their impulsive nature he does enjoy to ponder esoteric things and can get very philosophical, and isn't actually unintelligent - just a bit... socially impaired!

(extra stuff)

-their surname is 'sih' and if referred to politely their full name is often shortened to 'sih-tus (kraksi)'