

5 years, 8 months ago



  • Name

    Parzival Kane "Stevan" Elysion

  • Species


  • Gender

    cis Male

  • Age


  • Height

    5’6 ft / 152 cm

  • Theme


In simple terms, an archivist is a professional who looks over and organizes historical records and archives that have a long-term value. These records can be in different forms: audio, video, diaries, documents from various sources, and logs, usually unpublished media. Because these records are unique, the purpose of an archivist is to examine how durable and noteworthy said record is to determine if they are fit for permanent preservation or not, as well as carefully noting its details such as the origin, contents, and its appearance. Archivists like Stevan maintains the chronological order and the context between different records, storing them for safekeeping and future use by researchers.

Being an intellectual and working in solitude, Stevan is a quick learner and worker. Due to this along with his accuracy in finding significant and relative information, he has caught the attention and worked for several universities, government agencies, and organizations. While other archivists possess their own specialties, he has wide knowledge on various effective methods to identify and preserve archives.

My, my, what do I have here… watching an interesting playtime between two stupid men.



A basic impression Stevan leaves is that he’s small, but absolutely terrible. At first glance, he looks back with a composed expression, it’s captivating, calming, perhaps charming. Willing to give one a stroll, Stevan is princely, providing comfort and welcoming. He’s happy to meet a stranger that will be his friend in no time. Others view of him as an amiable teenager, interacting with different people everyday, whom he claims he has never stumbled upon before. For the most part, he’s chill and easygoing, not the type to easily break.

Sociable to an extent, he desires situations that favor towards him as it feeds his ever-growing confidence he already has. Whatever it takes, he tries to find solutions to problems, assessing a situation and turning it into something that will benefit him. With that, he keeps wanting to turn the tables, flip the scales, all to direct their attention to him. Nobody will ever notice, or so he believes.

Habitually flirty, he showers his guests with constant compliments, whether it be appearance or actions, he applauds them for everything to the point where flattery starts to seem more of an act than authentic. Of course, he doesn’t do it all the time, knowing how obviously fake his comments may seem. He also finds opportunities to bait and attack someone with a prank or two for his entertainment.

Even when one starts to befriend him, as soon as he gets closer to them, he will quickly push them away from him, setting a large boundary and preventing any close relationships with anyone.

Stevan is dedicated to his job, therefore deemed competent, often praised for performing his task in a clean and professional way. He reassures that he knows what he’s doing and he will not fail. An archivist like him should share as much as possible, and become proud of what he has achieved throughout the years. This proves that he doesn’t just stick to his words, he has his own responsibilities, but it’s not befriending anybody. Eventually, one will realize that they’re nothing but a pastime to him, and he will directly tell that. He turns his back, well, that’s for weaklings for believing too much in him.

However, he isn’t a complete douche. A pleasant person at heart, Stevan knows he’s feigning innocence. He’s not dishonest just for the sake of being the typical villain, nor he claims himself to be. He has his own reasons.


  • Flirting

  • Musical Plays

  • Crickets

  • Charades


  • Hugs and kisses

  • Pets

  • Macaroni and cheese

  • People with no personal space