


1 month, 29 days ago



Name Flutterfern
Gender Cis she-cat
Rank Ranger
Clan Starclan/Coralisclan
Apprentice (Formerly) Trilliummoon


Though she is known to be wise, Flutterfern tends to let things slip. Those who don't know her see her as wise, quiet and modest. But those around her, especially her clanmates, know that she is not as quiet as she presents. Her emotions somehow always spill out when she gets riled up, depsite her efforts to keep them inside. She feels that her emotions sway her opinons when she lets them rule her mind. She spends some time each day trying to check in herself, to make sure she's always at peace.

The loss of Tigerpaw changed her. The usual witty quick Flutterfern seemed to fade away into a dulled out cat. The peace she deseperately tries to uptain was gone. Though her heart and personality was still there, she was not the same as before. Her daughter was the warmth of her life, the hearth of her heart, and now she slipped out of her paws forever. She didn't know what to do. Everyone accepted her as dead, spare for another cat, Robinassail, and herself. Until the day Tigerpaw, then Tigeralate, walked through the entrance of the camp, she insisted her daughter was still alive, as if she knew in her heart all along.


The Cloudy"sight" Flutterfern knew was charmastic. A flirty tom who seemed to know a way with his words, a way into her heart. The tom always talked about wanting to start a family, and Flutterfern agreed. Yet, when it was revealed about his crimes, Flutterfern couldn't help the feeling of betrayal which bubbled up. She told him to never talk to her or the kits she was expecting again. Since then, the two haven't spoken. She was always insisted he had something to do with Tigerpaw going missing, which she was right about. But what she didn't know is that her beloved daughter had chosen to go, a choice she made in her youth that she seemed to forget years later when she returned.

Flutterfern spent 30 moons searching for Tigerpaw. She wasn't alone, with Robinassail, then Robinpaw, who helped her search all of those times. She was the only other cat in the clan who insisted she was alive all of that time. The two grew closer through their sorrow and search. Flutterfern was relieved when Tigeralate came home safe, back into her loving paws. She was delighted when she had kits, even more delighted when she named her kit after her mother. Flutterfern is dedicated to her family, so much so she was willing to burn for them to escape the fire that took her life.

Design Notes

  • very similar to fernpaw!
  • tiger moth she wears during the 30 moon tiger missing period
  • fern accessories

  • Flutter flutter as in the fluttering of a butterfly's wings- to symbolize freedom.
  • fern for ferns that hide and protect those behind.
  • chaotic neutral
  • shorter than average
  • voice claim -
code by jiko