Walker (FO4)



1 month, 28 days ago


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Name Walker C.
Age Late twenties
Gender Male, he/him
Location The Commonwealth
Fandom Fallout 4


Unimpressed and suspicious of people's motives, Walker doesn't like letting people get closer than the shooting range of his trusty combat rifle "The Zone".
Walker just wants to be left alone and build nice things for himself and his BFF Robert MacCready, but apparently the people of the Commonwealth seem to need someone like Walker - a man who doesn't know what is going on around him and doesn't really care what kind of mess he leaves behind him.


6' 0" / 183 cm and lean. Monolid brown eyes, usually sorta unkempt black straight hair and a stubble. There's a nasty looking scar on his chin. Wears eyeglasses, a wedding ring, a Pipboy and pieces of mixed armor on a white t-shirt and jeans.


Walker is a lone wolf and he doesn't see a need to make people like him, so he's usually pretty rude or indifferent. He is cynical, makes sarcastic remarks and in general, he just thinks most people are dumbasses. It's not easy to gain his trust, he doesn't care about mingling and frankly, he just wants to be left alone. He's not subtle about it:


He returns favors: scratch his back and he'll scratch yours - or be an imbecile and he'll treat you as one. He keeps his promises, both in good and bad; whatever it takes. He's determined to follow his own agenda, which probably makes people think that he is a good leading figure, at least according to how many factions he is in charge of. Sure, he gets things done, but his moral compass is broken.

Walker's favorite pastime is to build stuff, and his hidden but newly found craftsmanship skills have been bringing him joy in the Commonwealth. (And maybe for the settlers, but Walker isn't looking for appreciation.) He's also quite intelligent when it comes to tech, and he learns quickly. Building and fixing things are close to his heart, but he also enjoys reading comic books and playing arcade games. His sense of humor is strange and it's not always easy to tell if he's joking or not, but despite his quirks, at times he can be a pretty fun guy to hang out with.

Walker doesn't see robots or synths as feeling, intelligent entities, and he doesn't bother thinking about philosophical issues or moral dilemmas. He prefers solving problems quickly and efficiently, so he can be very blunt and rude when talking to others. He's less of an ass around animals and kids... but still kind of an ass. If one gets on Walker's good side, though, he shows that he can be a nice guy. Sorta. He will do anything for his friends and will protect them with his life. Obsessive and compulsive dedication is a super adorable trait am I right


This tab contains both Fallout 4 spoilers and headcanons. There's no explanation provided about the characters, factions or places - if you know the lore and story, then you know who's who and what's what.


The Sole Survivor of the Vault 111 and a newcomer to a world that was destroyed by bombs. From the moment Walker stepped out of his cryogenic pod to find his son, he's proven to be more than capable of altering the Commonwealth to better suit his needs.

Before 2077


Born and raised in Boston, Massachusetts, Walker was the only child to a second-generation Korean immigrant mother and a Texan father. Walker's parents separated when he was young, and most of the time Walker lived with his mother and visited his father every now and then. Walker's mother was a kind and gentle woman and his father was a strict man who preferred discipline over compassion, and while Walker got along with both of his parents until 2077, he has held a silent grudge for his father since his childhood. When becoming a father himself, Walker was determined to not repeat his dad's mistakes.

In the U.S. Army

Walker was never very good at following orders and he wasn't keen on giving them, and his CO wasn't always exactly happy about Walker's behavior. However, Walker was resourceful, adaptive, good with tech and even better with firearms, so most of the time - or at least when he kept his mouth shut - his attitude was tolerated.

Family man in Sanctuary Hills

Nora was one of the few people Walker felt comfortable with and Nora wasn't startled by his quirky lone wolf attitude. Walker quickly fell in love with her, married her and devoted his life to her and all he wanted was to make her happy. Their firstborn Shaun completed their world and love. There was absolutely nothing Walker wouldn't do for his family.

Shenanigans in the Commonwealth

Culture shock

After witnessing his wife's murder and his son's kidnapping, Walker's only goal was to find Shaun. The world had changed a lot in more than 200 years, and, maybe for their own survival, people seemed to be more willing to ask for help and look for allies. Destroyed environment was nothing compared to the culture shock - Walker was never quick to trust, but strangers who were, however, openly waving their guns at others' faces, didn't seem to have the same kind of trust issues. Nevertheless, while suspicious and alert, Walker noticed he made progress faster when he agreed on helping others. He helped them so they could help him; and vice versa.

More shenanigans to come... stay tuned.


This tab contains both Fallout 4 spoilers and headcanons. There's no explanation provided about the characters, factions or places - if you know the lore and story, then you know who's who and what's what.

Only the most interesting and/or meaningful factions and people are listed here.


The Minutemen

Walker helped The Minutemen out in Concord but didn't care about them until his journey led him back to them. Preston Garvey was to scratch his back once Walker scratched his - and so Walker did, and reluctantly agreed to help The Minutemen to get back on its feet. Hesitant at first, but later Walker found it pretty convenient to have allies and settlements in the Commonwealth. His rank as a general didn't mean much to him, but he was pleased to have some leverage and power in the Commonwealth and have people on his side. He and Preston Garvey were never good buddies, but they do share mutual respect.

The Brotherhood of Steel

While traveling with MacCready, Walker stumbled across Paladin Danse at Cambridge Police Station and took down some feral ghouls - just because they were on his way, not to help Danse. To MacCready's amusement, Walker taunted Danse and the Brotherhood of Steel and quickly continued his journey.

Walker was indifferent about Brotherhood of Steel and as long as they weren't getting in his way, he didn't care about them. Once he had reached the point of no return and the Brotherhood saw him as an enemy, they did start to get in his way, so Walker didn't hesitate to attack them. He still doesn't respect them and after taking out the whole Brotherhood base by himself (with some Institute synth assistance), he only sees random encounters with them merely annoying and a waste of time. Walker is more afraid of stingwings than the Brotherhood of Steel.

The Railroad

Walker appreciated Deacon vouching for him, but all the other Railroad Agents never got on his good side. Walker asked their help only once because he had to, but he never understood their views on saving synths and just looked down on them and their ideologies. He wasn't exactly happy to eventually wipe out the whole Railroad, but since Shaun asked him to, he didn't hesitate.

The Institute

"I know you were just following orders, but did you really have to kill all these people just because the Institute said so?" - MacCready after Walker was done following orders and really had to kill all those people

The Institute is Shaun's legacy, thus Walker is sworn to protect its existence. He's definitely not the best choice to be the new director and lead the Institute, but he does what he can and tries his best. He tries to behave better with the scientists and he's genuinely interested in what they do, but all along it was Shaun he cared for; he doesn't personally care about the other people in the Institute, and, at least not for now, he doesn't care about making for a better future.

He helped Virgil to get the serum he needed, and it never crossed his mind to reveal Virgil's whereabouts to the coursers. He considers revealing the location of the synth refugee Acadia since he doesn't believe in the free will of synths.

The raider gangs in Nuka-World

One of the jobs Walker didn't apply to, but was chosen anyway. Becoming the Overboss and choosing to either be probably killed in his sleep by raider gangs, or agree to make them work together - Walker obviously chose to try the latter. He has yet to prove himself to the gangs before getting their respect, and he's working on it with Porter Gage's assistance.

He has already learned to hate Nuka-World. He is strangely attached to Raider Radio, though.

People (and Dogmeat)

Robert MacCready

After avenging Kellogg, Walker had to find Virgil who was located somewhere in the deadly Glowing Sea. While still not a big fan of allies or friends and joking about the dangers of the Glowing Sea, Walker knew he needed someone to back him up. He hired MacCready in order to have someone as bait if necessary and to die instead of him if things got bad. Walker is hard to impress, but MacCready's steady aim, no bullshit attitude and surprisingly similar mindset quickly and unexpectedly turned Walker around. They became good friends, and ever after helping MacCready to find a cure for his son, they've been inseparable.

Walker protects this man with his life. He'll catch a grenade for MacCready, takes bullets for him and steps on mines for him - and builds shacks for him and lets him sleep on the best and cleanest beds in the Commonwealth, and Walker crafted a very special gun for MacCready for Christmas:


Walker is overly devoted to MacCready and his well-being (read: is simping for him). Walker won't do anything that would upset his BFF too much or put him in unnecessary danger.


Walker's first friend in the Commonwealth. Walker has always liked dogs, and Dogmeat is the goodest boye. After teaming up with MacCready, Walker decided Dogmeat's place was at home rather than being shot at by all the hostiles they were to encounter.


After entering the Institute and realizing that Father was his dear son Shaun, Walker dropped his jerk act and wholeheartedly wanted to make up for all the time they had lost. Walker didn't hesitate to make Shaun's dream come true, and was there for him till the bittersweet end. Walker never stopped loving his son.

However, he has mixed feelings about synth Shaun, who was Shaun's pet project. Walker doesn't see synth Shaun as an individual or as a true replacement of his son; but he knows Shaun made this synthetic human boy for him. It's quite possible that Walker will never give his synth son the attention and love his synthetic neurons need; and after all, for him Walker is the distant dad Walker's own father was to him.

Old Longfellow

Walker's drinking buddy and a guide on The Island. Old Longfellow has proven to be a little bit of a gross old man, but he doesn't get on Walker's nerves and overall he's an alright guy to travel with. Walker doesn't give him anything valuable to carry, though - the privilege of carrying his junk is reserved for MacCready and Dogmeat only.

Porter Gage

Walker wasn't looking for to become the Overboss of the raider gangs in Nuka-World, but after surviving the Gauntlet with Gage's help, Walker suspected it was smarter to have a potential backstabber and a dozen of violent raiders on his side - keep your friends close and enemies even closer. Walker has only started to explore his new realm and he hasn't known Gage for long enough to trust him, so time will tell what will become of them. And of Walker as the Overboss.

Fun Facts

  • He's named after Cordell Walker from Walker, Texas Ranger. Why? Just because.
    • Sole Survivor Walker's first name is Walker, though. His last name is mentioned to be just "C." - it's the first letter of his father's last name, and since Walker never liked what kind of person his dad was, he simply dismissed this name. In the Commonwealth he is known by various aliases, but Walker is the only name he uses himself.
  • Walker isn't afraid of raiders, robots, super mutants, deathclaws or anything else... except bugs. He hates bugs. He's afraid of bugs. Bloodbugs are the worst.
  • The Zone is a combat rifle that slows time for a moment while aiming. (Hence the name.)
  • Walker started his journey in July 2024.
  • Walker is the sixth Sole Survivor I've had. He's the rudest of them all - I tend to play Good Guys™, so I find Walker the most interesting so far since he does things differently.
    • I have spent over 500 hours playing this game, so I've pretty much seen everything in this game... which also means I can ignore some quests and also most of the companions. Most of them just dislike Walker's actions, and there's no logical reason roleplaying-wise for Walker to want to spend time with them.
      • but simping for MacCready is so much fun
  • Walker's height is partially based on "People aren't the same height Todd" mod's default player height that's 6' 1". Considering that the average height would most likely shorten in 200 years in an environment like in the Fallout series, it does make sense that the Sole Survivor could stick out by towering them all! (Although, we have giant roaches and enormous ants... idk man)

Nope, nothing2

I keep this here just in case. :3 Hello stranger!