Mackenzie "McQueen" King



1 month, 29 days ago


So, I guess it ends here. We'll go our separate ways, and hope that we'll see each other somewhere in the future.
name Mackenzie King
alias McQueen
age 27
gender Car Exhaust (He/Him)
height 5'9 ft; 175 cm
orientation Bisexual
occupation Drag Racer; EXR-P

code jiko


McQueen is a former drag racer fallen out of glory. While you might've seen flashy smirks and overheard charismatic interviews in the past, the most memorable thing that comes to mind now is another face on saturday night news.

It's a shame, really.

He would've liked to settle down, if only you'd have stayed.

pre-dawn, adrenaline, the sound of idle chatter, shooting stars, sun on skin, the smell of petrichor, comic books, solar eclipses, dragonflies, listening to radio, falcons & hawks, fruit orchards, tangerines, justice, feeling alive.
being alone or isolated, metal on metal, fireworks or sparklers, documentaries, multitasking, rising temperatures, feeling out of the loop, paranormal activity, perfume or sickly sweetness, cinnamon, bitter foods, commitment, golf as a concept, lemon drops, horror flicks.

Polite Sassy
Cautious Impulsive
Social Reserved
Intelligence Ignorant
Emotional Rational
Productive Lazy

Mackenzie started off humbly as a college dropout in a town in the middle of nowhere. Clinging onto his fleeting childhood and ideals of freedom, he took to drag racing as a profession as to never be held down again. It wasn't all that hard, either— he had the smile that got you going and the personality to draw you in. Eventually the idea of a 'Mackenzie' that was ready to settle down was practically nonexistent, and an even brighter star took center stage under the alias of McQueen.

Oh, come on. Of course he's aware of the copyright problems. Don't even get him started..

McQueen spent years in the competitive drag racing scene, gaining multiple awards to his name and managing to overcome even the best of the best. Some turned sour, some didn't care at all, and some took it in stride. ████████ was the most notable of the latter— something about that sparkle. Something about that promise of a greater challenge in the future. Another fair race. Another track. Another after party.

Over and over. Month after month. Year after year. Another meeting. Another handshake. Another promise for the future.

I think I could've stayed like that forever.

»»—————-  —————-««


One 27 year old Mackenzie "McQueen" King faces a vehicular manslaughter charge for the death of ████████ ██████, who had been competitively facing him for years, according to reports.

Mackenzie King was arrested by police on the streets of Santa Barbara, California on a first-degree murder warrant at 12:27 AM.

Officers responded to the scene at 5th Street North around 12:00 AM Friday for a reported car crash gone wrong, according to police. When officers arrived they found ████████ ██████, 29, dead from multiple sustained injuries.

Investigators said that Mackenzie, sporting multiple injuries himself, had been found wiping the blood from the victims face upon arrival.

During a Saturday court appearance, King appeared completely unresponsive. However, a prosecutor claimed that while he was cooperative with law enforcement, there was concern about his mental fitness pertaining to the event.

He is now being held in jail until further notice.

»»—————-  —————-««

McQueen is a rather generically confident and, well. Formerly charismatic individual. He seems to retain much of the energy and charm of his former self, if a little more.. emotional and liberal with his outbursts. He seems intent on motivating others to match his pace and has a heavy hatred for any form of silence, filling the void with idle chatter where neccesary.

..he's also sporting a not-so-glorious hero complex, taking it upon himself to see that he can provide as an ample distraction for others wherever possible. Pushing himself to his absolute limits in terms of endurance only to pitifully die in the same way, over and over.

The Blacksite can only treat him so well if he won't break the cycle he set upon himself.

While friendly enough with others, he has some apparent attachment issues and takes things a little too deep when others are killed. Maybe this time he could've done something.

Design Notes
  • His eye color is, in fact, Lightning McQueen blue. He tried out wearing green contacts for a while.
  • McQueen's hair is golden blonde. It really ties into the "Golden Boy" thing he's going for.
  • You've never met a man with pearlier whites. It's almost scary.
  • He does not, in fact, wear the bumper accessory outside of a Roblox setting. It's just silly and stylistic. I mean, how is a human person meant to race in that.
  • His fashion ranges from the most impressive, flashy auto-racing suits and jackets you've ever seen to Adam Sandler.
  • McQueen has a variety of burn scars and cuts from both his career and the accident that got him here. They're mostly concealed by his clothes.
  • McQueen doesn't like staying still.. he hates it, in fact. Makes him feel jittery. He spends most of his time pacing, even when not on the move.
  • Before dropping out of college, McQueen was a business major. Don't ask him anything about business, though. He's forgotten all of it.
  • Always smells a little bit like smoke and citrus. Not quite sure how he's pulling that off.
  • McQueen is suprisingly useful when it comes to medical attention and tailoring. He's sewn his own wounds and clothes more times than he can count.
  • Pretty awful when it comes to voice control— trying to get him to a whisper is sort of a challenge.
  • He despises horror and horror media. If you took him to a Spirit Halloween he'd spend the whole trip asking when it's time to leave. It's.. kind of embarrassing for him.
  • He's very in tune with music! Well, I mean, he was. One of his most active hobbies was listening to the radio, even if that method is a little out of date.
  • McQueen is incredibly self-conscious about how he's perceived by others. He puts a lot of attention into both his appearance and social interactions for this reason.
  • Vaguely afraid of the dark, but you'll never get him to admit it. He'll just shut his eyes and run straight forward everytime. Tends to work out for him!
  • ████████ ██████: (Guilt / ???) Try to forget him.
  • Kali Filia: (Close Friend) Kali was a college friend turned girlfriend of McQueen that didn't end up working out. Woah, don't look so worried! They just broke it off on account of wanting different things, that's all. Before he was imprisoned they were roommates together. McQueen continuing his racing career and Kali being a true crime podcast host. Morbidly, he sort of wonders if she's covered his case yet. He's also hoping she hasn't thrown out all of things. She doesn't seem like the type, but he's had a lot to think about.
  • Jasper Seabrooke: (Ally / Endeared) Jasper is.. sort of a comfort, amongst everything else. McQueen knows he's probably given the guy more near heart-attacks and stress-induced fits than he can count, and he does feel pretty awful about that.. but hey, that's his nature. Still, seeing the guy so out of his element makes the racer feel pretty awful. Despite everything, the guy seems to have retained being.. relatively normal? It's weird. It's weird and it's oddly comforting and he doesn't care to see much of Jasper's misery. He'd like to prevent as much as possible, actually. So, that's what he aims to do.
  • Angel "Jitterbug" Diaz: (Ally / Protective) He feels a weird amount of kinship in Jitterbug. Maybe it's because of the similarity their downfalls, maybe it's something else entirely. He's almost certain she doesn't feel the same way he does, and he's almost content with that. It doesn't stop him from putting an extra measure of worry in her actions and a controlled amount of sympathy for their combined situation, though. Then again, it might just be because she's very small and very pink. Sorry, Jitterbug!
  • "Raidyn": (Ally / Tentative) McQueen has a hard time getting an idea for who Raidyn is and what Raidyn stands for. It sort of makes him uncomfortable, but he'd never admit that to anybody else. Something about the man just feels so.. plastic to him. Outside of a setting like this, he can't see himself ever trying to talk to the man. Still, they're meant to be allies. Even if he has stolen a locker or two right in front of his own eyes, what're you gonna do about it?

Music Box
I can't stop you, I can't rock too
I've been back there and I can not die too
But I've got to know...
Are we still friends?