Anseri Branta



5 years, 8 months ago


Name: Anseri Branta

Blood: Teal

Lusus: Two headed goose 

Info: Loves fashion and loves showing off just how much better he is at it than you. Typically spends most of his time out and about but never without his phone to show just how cool his life is about all this stuff he’s doing and eating. Doesn’t like getting dirty unless he has to. Believes self grooming is very important and is quite quick to give scalding remarks if you make him made. 

add info: Has quite the hate crush on Sivalk. Believes they shouldn’t have so many fans and people liking their clothes because they think they’re quite more fashionable than them and especially knows how to accessorize better as well. Sivalk doesnt even use complimentary colors! How could he not see him as a rival for internet fame. Along with that grating personality. We get it, you’re cool, now go away.