Taro (The Sealed World)



2 months, 14 hours ago







Eye Color:  Green

Hair/Fur Color:  Caramel brown (hair) and flesh+mud brown (fur)

Species:Humanoid Cow (???—he is actually the son of Hades and an unknown vampire woman)

Special Features:  Human top-half, beast lower half—magical seal in the bell around his neck

Personality:A bit flighty/also very intense

Likes:flowers and blood

Dislikes:thunderstorms and blood

Elemental Special:  Darkness

Weapon:Martial arts

Occupation:Wanderer (has no job, just adventures around the world)


Basic Biographical Information:  Taro is a conundrum of a person—his father is the God of the Dead (or Underworld, or Hell), who can be known in some religions and cultures by names like Hades or even Satan, and his mother comes from a world that was populated by mostly vampires, weres and other “supernatural” creatures.   On that world, vampires shape-changed into whatever they wanted and his mother tended to shape-change into cattle (a cow), because she was simple and easygoing.   Unfortunately, such a crossbreeding of individuals has not been easy on what Taro has become.   As a demi-god, he was assigned to be the second Guardian in the new Sealed World that the Pantheon of Gods created………but, unfortunately, his strange split-personalities prevent him from being as active or as interested as Cinnamon seems to be in such a role—frankly, Drey finds Taro’s way of protecting better than Cinnamon’s meddling.   Because of his hybrid blood, Taro is part-vampire and that half of his personality is a bit intense and something of a predator—he’s very aware of this and this personality takes over the closest it gets to the new moon once a month.   Most of the time his personality is easygoing and mild (some may even say he’s a bit flighty in that personality).   Taro wears a bell around his neck—and it is actually a magical seal from his father that……….prevents something, though Taro doesn’t really know what that something is.   Taro was mostly raised by his step-mom, Kore (Persephone), whom he loves a lot, and doesn’t really remember much of his real mother at all—then when he was 18, his father assigned him to this new Sealed World……..although there weren’t many people living on it then, Drey was around, with a few handfuls of others.   His father also let Taro take along his favorite puppy from the Underworld, Tulip—a hybrid-Cerberus puppy—so he wouldn’t be as lonely in the Sealed World.