Hiyaku Aisuru



5 years, 7 months ago


飛躍    愛する

aisuru’s quirk is a mutant type. he has the same quirk as his mother, and his father has a simple quirk as well, tho he only got the quirk from his mother. he has a rabbit tail and ears, as well as some big teeth. he has strong thighs that help with running and jumping

power: 3/5

speed: 4/5

technique: 3/5

intelligence: 3/5

cooperation: 5/5


jumping: aisuru can jump really high due to his rabbit quirk!

running: despite his size, aisuru is rather quick, able to bound around

hearing: his ears can swivel like rabbit can, and it helps him to hear sounds from all areas

smell: he twitches his nose often, which allows him to smell pretty well

gender: male

height and weight: 5’3” about 160 lbs

body type: small and pudgy

eyes: big, round, and pink

hair: floppy light blue hair

born: in the reformatory

birthday: december 13th

other important traits: he’s a bit chubby, but he’s proud of himself for overcoming his troubles and finally having enough to be able to be chubby

preferred outfits: he loves to wear black

family background: his two dads raised him since he left the reformatory. his mother left him when he was young, as he was the product of a brutal sexual assault.

schooling: none until his final year of middle school and UA

general personality: he’s very eager to be a hero, and he wants to help people!

relationship status: he’s very afraid of romance because he’s scared of being hurt the way he was at the reformatory, and he’s worried he’ll do the same to someone else

philosophy/values: because of the way he was hurt, he wants to make the world a better place

quirks and mannerisms: his ears and nose twitch a lot, and he thumps his foot around when he’s nervous

minor notes: the top of his feet are sensitive, so he never wears shoes. the source of his jumping power comes from his toes and his heels, so he keeps those open in his hero costume

strengths: his ability to run and jump, but also his positive attitude

weaknesses: like a rabbit, his hair and skin are very sensitive, so it’s easy to distract him by grabbing him

reformatory days

!trigger warning!

aisuru was abused heavily by the scientists in the reformatory. he was abused mentally, physically, sexually, and emotionally, but with help from his dads and his friends, he's learned to overcome it and is strong and brave now!