Phoebe's Comments

What abouts are you looking for?

Art, characters or money ; v ;/!

Alrighty!! I'd love to offer any of these characters

And about how much money? I don't want to lowball you..!

Unfortunately I didn't see anyone that caught my interest ;o;!

Money wise, $20 minimum ; v ;/!

In that case I'd like to offer $20..!

& if that comes with the pixel, would the design be wearing clothes?

I can add clothes if you'd like :o!

7 Replies

I'd love to maybe offer pixel art or OC's perhaps :3

May I have a look at the OC's you'll be offering? ^o^

I can offer OC's from my shop folder

And I'll send in a little bit another ufo folder

Apologies but I didn't see anyone that caught my interest ;v;!

That's alr, thanks for lookingÂ