Radovan Augustín



2 months, 2 days ago



NAME radovan augustín
AGE 23
SPECIES superhuman
GENDER male | he/him
OCCUPATION hero & barista
DEMEANOUR personable, optimistic
ALIGNMENT lawful neutral

Radovan is a friendly and down-to-earth individual who enjoys spending time with and helping other people, occasionaly to his own detriment.

He takes great pride in his work, both as a hero and as a part-time barista in a little family-owned cafe, he enjoys interacting with people and learning about strangers' stories, as well as telling his own. He keeps his identity hidden when acting as the hero 'Rubberhose' the name being inspired by the animation style due to his abilities to contort his body in various ways.


Bright and extroverted, Radovan enjoys spending time with toher people and surrounding himself with anyone that'll spare the time to get to know him, he highly values people's opinions of him which can affect his decisions sometimes when he is trying to take into account the feelings of other people - he forgets his own feelings in favour of this though. He's enthusiastic and wears his heart on his sleeve. Curious and imaginative, Radovan sees the best of everybody he meets and will try his best to help people see the good in themselves too. That being said he is also quite good at reading people and picking up on little cues that may go unnoticed by the untrained eye. Self-assured, even-tempered, and resistant to stress, Radovan refuse to worry too much and opts to instead be self-confident when striving to achieve goals.

Empathetic, nearly to a fault, Radovan finds himself following his heart more than his head, even if that lands him in trouble along the way. He's adaptable and seeks out opportunities to better himself and other people, able to improvise on the spot when plans inevitably go haywire but also struggles to fit into a strict box, having trouble following instructions down to the T and more often than not making up his own way as he goes along, never really planning too far ahead.

Relationships are important to Radovan, he desires emotional connection with people and values having genuine and heartfelt connections rather than shallow interactions. He believes everyone deserves to express their own feelings and tries his best to be a person who can allow that space to be flexible and open with others and yourself. He's warm and friendly with anyone he meets, always trying to encourage the best out of people.


positive; curious; perceptive; easygoing

neutral; social; intuitive; assertive

negative; people-pleasing; unfocused; restless


Never sits still, Radovan always needs to be moving or doing something even if its as little as bouncing his leg or tapping his fingers.
Bites his lips & insides of his cheeks when he's thinking. He also has a bad habit of picking at the skin around his fingernails.
Talks with his hands, makes gestures a lot. He also tends to be very physical when talking to people, either touching their arms or shoulders or back. When it comes to affection he is also very physically affectionate.




Desserts and confectionery, he has a hell of a sweet tooth.
Giving gifts, words are difficult sometimes so giving someone something physical is an easy way to show you care.
Escape rooms, he loves the pressure that comes with the time limit.
Physical affection, he's very touchy and enjoys hugs, handholding, kisses, etc.
Amusement parks, water parks, anything like that.


Horror movies, he hates feeling so stressed and paranoid when watching them.
Springtime, he gets hayfever.
Socks and knitted clothes, he finds them super itchy and uncomfortable and much prefers fabrics like polyester and cotton.
Tight spaces, he doesn't like feeling like he's cramped or trapped, if he can't at least stretch his arm out in front of him he gets antsy and uncomfortable.


Radovan's favourite colour is green.
His ears are pierced; industrial, helix and his earlobe on both ears.
The name Radovan means to make happy and to rejoice.
He's allergic to dogs and cats but still really likes animals, to cope with this he has a few pets of his own, two snakes and a bearded dragon as they don't affect his allergies.
He's ticklish under his chin and behind his ears.



Simply put, Radovan is capable of manipulating his body in various ways either entirely or only affecting sections of his body such as limbs. It isn't like shapeshifting where he can change his appearance to look like someone entirely different [i.e. hair, eye and skin colour] but can freely alter his body in other ways such as his size and height.

His body can be contorted and stretched, posessing traits similar to rubber. This allows Radovan to stretch, flatten, deform, expand, and contract his whole body and parts of his body, including limbs, torso, neck, etc. Radovan can alter sections of his body independently but it can become challenging for him to do too many different things at once. His body is able to absorb most damage from weapons like bullets but his skin can be pierced and sliced by sharper items like knives.


When he is not a civilian, Radovan adopts the persona of Rubberhose, utilising his abilities to help the general public and deal with crime. He behaves like himself when acting as the hero, but turned up a notch with the self-confidence which some of his critics consider arrogance. Radovan makes quips and jokes often and does play it up a bit when the media is involved, however he also does do things on the downlow as well; it isn't all about the publicity and the fame. When he gets the downtime he does take time out of his day to put on the suit and to help with 'smaller' things, like volunteering at hospitals and homeless centres, for example.

The name takes inspiration from the rubberhose animation style.


When it comes to romance, Radovan is passionate, warm, and openhearted; full of hopes, dreams, and ideas, longing for a life of rich experiences. And he brings every ounce of this vibrant energy to his romantic relationships. He harbours a deep longing to share his life with another person but has yet to actually settle down with anybody. Radovan approaches relationships with the highest of ideals, longing to know and unconditionally accept everything about his partner, and hoping they do that in return. When he is interested in someone, he rarely holds back and finds thrill in the act of courtship; he falls in love with people easily and he falls hard, perhaps to a fault. He's quite a handful when it comes to new love, opting for the quickest and easiest ways to show affection; gifts, devotion, etc.

Radovan is undaunted by the challenges that come with relationships, eager to face every inconvenience as it comes. He delights in the joys of a relationship, constantly looking for new ways to prove his dedication to his partner, even to his own detriment. He rarely has gotten past the early stages of a relationship has when the honeymoon phase wanes and the relationship matures, the thrill of it and the enthusiasm is still important to him and if that isn't reciprocated he often worries the love and devotion was misplaced. He needs that confidence and reassurance that the love is mutual.

Playful, affectionate and almost naively unstinting with his affections, Radovan hugely values physical touch and quality time, even if its just sitting on the couch together, he seeks love and companionship but he does have the tendency to get cold feet when theres work involved and effort needed to keep the relationship going; if the feelings dont feel mutual he gets disheartened and disillusioned. That being said, he has trouble letting things go and can tend to land himself in relationships that are less than healthy due to his need to have a connection with someone, Radovan tries to see the good in everything even if the good may not be there.


BODY TYPE athletic
BODY BUILD rectangle
HEIGHT fluctuates. typically 5'6''
WEIGHT fluctuates. typically 145lbs
SKIN khaki w/ vitiligo
HAIR TYPE curly, type 3b.
HAIR COLOUR dark brown
EYE COLOUR castleton green
Radovan has vitiligo on his skin.


Radovan's hair is always tied up in some way, when it is loose it reaches down to his tailbone.
He has freckles!
Very occasionally paints his nails, typically darker colours.
His clothing typically shows a lot of skin for easier use for his abilities.