


5 years, 8 months ago


/ ˈkläkˈmer / 

A parasitic demon whose origins stem from the land of Valaia. Often called a spirit by locals, Clocmare or Clo as they like to be called are sentient beings whose natural form is that of black ooze or slime is known to feed off the natural energy or magic of living being to sustain itself. 

Clocmares are not to be taken lightly as they are known to manipulate and twist the minds of living organisms to the point of insanity and madness. The longer a Clo is bonded to their host, the harder it is to remove them, often resulting in the death of both hosts and a severely weakened Clo.

Only the Sicut Lepores are known to have a naturally high resistance to the effects of a Clo but there have been cases of becoming infected and twisted. Avoidance is highly cautioned by locals as no proper method of disposal has been discovered.

Common Signs of Parasetic Infection
- Soot-like Skin
- Odd purple sclera and iris
- Ashen-black hair
- Subtle phsyical changes over a short period of time
- Strangely shaped shadow with elongaged limbs and a faint purple glow
- Incoherient mumbling, ramblings and often refering to a ‘Him’ or ‘Her’ but not giving a name nor explanation as to who ‘He’ or ‘Her’ may be.