


5 years, 7 months ago


WIP, some Infos are not from her


Ravena - the guardian of spirits

- A link between two worlds -

Instinct | Trust | Magic



Raviin - the raven Kwami
Team Members

Ravenna is the holder of the raven miraculous, her Kwami is Raviin, the Kwami of spirits. She gives Ravenna the ability to contact the animal spirits and fights alongside them. She can use spiritual energy and because of that her attacks arent physical. Her civilian name is Ava Adams and without Raviin and her powers she is blind. Her miraculous jewelry is a necklace with tree stones and two pendants that are formed like feathers.


Hero - Civilian

Hair Color
Hair Color
1,75m (heels)
Lighter blue
Blue + Glasses
Hair style
"Hair of death" braid
Hair style
Open hair

  • Her civilian name is Mahina Roux
  • As Ruelle, Mahi is everything she ever wanted to be: A strong leader, courageous, liked by everyone, open minded and above all, really extroverted
  • While Mahi's clothing choices are plain and simple, so she doesn't get noticed too much, Ruelle's hero outfit is the exact opposite: flashy, with high heels and bright colors, screaming: Here I am! Notice me! And well, she definitely gets noticed a lot.
  • Being in her superhero form, she gains a lot of self-confidence and charisma. Mahi likes to think that Ruelle is the perfect version of herself and wants to become just like her alter ego in real life.



When you see Ruelle bouncing or running through the city, you will always see her with her trademark smirk on her face and her head raised high. She is straightforward and very confident. Some would describe her as the kind of person that would kick someone into the water to teach them how to swim. She is very energetic and usually the first of her other teammembers that you hear, since she always has something to say. Like her Kwami she loves to be sarcastic or to make bad puns, even when they are facing and enemy. Even in unfamiliar situations or with strangers she is very open , sociable and extroverted. She dearly loves being Ruelle, since her civilian self would NEVER do the things she does as Ruelle. She would have never met the awesome persons she knows because of being Ruelle, and would have never experienced several awesome adventures. She fights without using a weapon and has more of an "brawler" fighting style. Her resistance is very high and her special enchanted gloves are protecting her from taking to much damage when she stops an attack with them. When she is focused on one target she gets a lot faster and stronger, her punches will really hurt if she hits someone. When several people attack her, that isnt the case anymore since she can't focuse one special target anymore. Ruelle is more of an strategist, she can see openings others wouldn't see in the middle of an fight and can shout instructions to several people, while fighting on her own. She is very protective of her teammates and tends to put their well being above those of everyone else. This often leads to situations where she has to decide between protecting her teammembers or civilians, she still has to internalize that her teammates can very well protect themselves.

She hates it when there are no Akuma attacks for a longer period of time since she loves to fight alongside her team. They always tell her to relax, because fighting everyday wont do her any good, but she just dismisses that. For her it means being part of a team, being the leader and to do something for the people of her city. When there are no Akuma attacks she tends to patroul the city when she has time, simply because she wants to hang out with the others and because she can't stand her civilian self for longer than 24 hours at a time. She doesn't know who her other teammates are, so she can't meet them in her civilian form. She would never tell them who she really is because she thinks that nobody could like her normals self, when even she can't seem to like herself.

Ka'ani is the Kwami that lends Mahina her powers and allows her to transform into Ruelle. Ka'ani is a red wolf and the Kwami of leadership. Her favourite food is raspberries, she would literally die for them. She tends to make a mess while eating them and always shows her teeth afterwards, so it looks like she is a small but vicious Kwami that just ate someones innards. Ruelle's good traits partly come from her character, so she is also very courageous (tends to bring herself in danger tho), very open about what she thinks and is the opinion that nobody is better at making (bad) puns than her. She likes to act like she hates everyone, but secretly she likes a lot of people. She doesn't show that tho.


  • Strong Leader
  • Open minded
  • Determined
  • Courageous


  • A good fight
  • Being a superhero
  • Puns
  • Akumas


  • Unpunctuality
  • No Akuma attacks
  • Scaredy cats
  • Know-it-alls



Spirit Fury?


Her special attack. .

Spiritual Vision


It allows Ravenna, who is normally blind, to see. For that she uses the spiritual energy. WIP

Other Powers as Ravenna


Enhanced Vision, enhanced Hearing and Speed. She can jump high and can use her wings to glide in the air (not really flying tho).





Ava Williams 21 Blind Schwarze lange Haare, leicht gelockt.

1,60 groß Freunde -> Keine Geschwister: Zwei (Große Schwester (25), Kleiner Bruder (15)) Eltern: Wohnt bei Vater, Mutter weg Hobbys: Klavier spielen, Hörbücher hören, Musik hören, Spazieren gehen, Tanzen Charakter: Nicht schüchtern aber zurückhaltend, geduldig (musste dies erst lernen), aufgeschlossen, oftmals in sich gekehrt und traurig, ruhig. Ravenna 21 Kann sehen Schwarze lange und gelockte Haare, werden zu den Spitzen hin heller. 1, 60 groß Freunde -> Pandora, Ruelle Duldet -> Leona Feinde ->


Während sie als Ravenna gegen das Böse kämpft, kämpft sie im echten Leben mit sich selbst und mit ihrer Zukunft. Ravenna kam sehend auf die Welt, im Alter von dreizehn Jahren verlor sie ihr Augenlicht aufgrund der Krankheit „Retinitis Pigmentosa“. Bei dieser Krankheit wird die Netzhaut zunehmend geschädigt. Angefangen hat es mit sechs Jahren, es fing damit an das sie abends nur sehr schlecht sehen konnte und sich oft anstieß. Daraufhin folgte es, dass sich ihre Augen nur noch schlecht auf wechselnde Lichtverhältnisse einstellen konnten. Ein Jahr später konnte sie nur noch mit Sonnenbrille aus dem Haus gehen, da sie rasende Kopfschmerzen entwickelte wenn es draußen hell war. Nach und nach verblassten die Farben um sie herum und ebenfalls das Sichtfeld. Da war sie gerade zehn. Mit dreizehn erblindete sie dann vollkommen. Während dieser Zeit verließ ihre Mutter die Familie (Ava war 11, ihre Schwester 14 und ihr Bruder 4) und benutzte Avas Krankheit als Vorwand. Schon vorher war sie nicht mehr glücklich in ihrer Ehe gewesen und hatte eine Affäre, was allerdings erst viel später herausgefunden wurde. Ava gab sich immer die Schuld daran, dass ihre Mutter die Familie verließ, ebenso gab ihr ihre Schwester die Schuld. Ava und ihre Schwester haben deshalb kein gutes Verhältnis, nachdem sie ausgezogen war, war so gut wie kein Kontakt mehr vorhanden. Ihr Bruder liebt sie umso mehr und spielt immer ihren Beschützer. Ava ging ab ihrem zehnten Lebensjahr auf eine Blindenschule und machte ebenfalls eine Blindentechnische Grundausbildung in der sie alle Fähigkeiten erlernte, die sie später brauchen würde, wenn sie vollkommen erblindet war. Sie hat ein sehr gutes Gehör und Tastsinn, was häufig bei blinden Menschen vorkommt. Ava wollte nie einen Beruf ausführen der speziell für blinde Menschen ist, sie wollte immer selbst entscheiden was sie werden will und sich von ihrer Behinderung nicht beeinflussen lassen. Früher wollte sie Ärztin werden oder Zeichnen zum Beruf machen, da dies aber trotz allem nicht mehr möglich war, fand sie kaum die Energie sich für etwas anderes zu begeistern. Sie sucht noch immer nach ihrer Berufung. Sie spielt Klavier, das macht ihr Spaß aber es ist nur ein Hobby. Arbeitet im Moment in einer Bibliothek, eher als Freizeitbeschäftigung. Sie hat lange gebraucht bis ihr Vater dies erlaubte. Hat sich drei Monate einarbeiten müssen und sich jeden Standort gemerkt. Besitzer der Bibliothek ist Freund der Familie, er half ihr bei allem und brachte Blindenschrift an.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem. Aliquam vulputate lacus consequat, volutpat ex ut, blandit lacus. Sed egestas risus ut gravida blandit. In vitae nisi eu mi suscipit semper in eget justo. Sed feugiat dictum posuere. Suspendisse et accumsan leo. Phasellus mollis placerat libero, non euismod diam sodales eget. Pellentesque commodo, dolor nec tempor maximus, risus risus lobortis eros, vitae mollis felis odio vel nulla. Etiam sed libero laoreet ipsum lacinia sagittis eu non lectus. Fusce sit amet lectus nec massa auctor aliquam et molestie metus. Sed at est in ante egestas iaculis. Nullam varius gravida ligula nec malesuada.





Ravenna was the first hero she met after becoming Ruelle, and the first member of her team. It was always easy for Ruelle being around her and she found herself completely at ease whenever she was around the Raven girl. Right from the start they had the perfect chemistry and soon they became best friends. Both of them suffer from the fact that they can't reveal their identities to one another, since that would result in their Kwami's being taken away (the rules are more strict after what happened to other heroes). After a while Ruelle felt more towards Ravenna than normal friendship, at first she tried to deny it, but after a while she had to admit that she had a bad crush on her best friend.




Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem.




Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem.