Yuu Amaya



5 years, 8 months ago


I will probably always be adding to this so think of it as a long term WIP

Personal Info

Name: Yuu Amaya

Nicknames: Yuu-chan, Yuu-Sama (by Amelie as a gesture of respect) YuYu (by her cousins)

Aliases: Nariko Yoruame, Water Guardian (Guardian Form)

Age: 23

Birthday: August 6th

Place of Birth: Nagoya, Japan

Current Hometown: London, England

Occupation: Singer, Actress, Dancer


Ethnicity: Japanese

Height: 5ft 7in

Weight: average

Hair Colour: Ebony

Eye Colour: Hazel

Skin Tone: tanned

Body Type: Slender

Fashion: Yuu tends to favour clothes that are comfortable but stylish. Colour wise she prefers dark colours such as black, purple and brown. It is rare to see her in a skirt or dress unless it is a very special occasion.

Birthmarks/Scars: Birthmark on her right shoulder. A scar down the top of her back that hasn't healed from her first fight as a guardian.


Likes: Singing, Dancing, Manga, Anime, Her family ( Most of them) + friends, Honesty, Being able to inspire others, Dark colours, Spicy food, Lilies, chocolate

Dislikes: Her father, bullies, too much attention, pink, heavy metal, crowds, tricky maths

Secrets: Her two aliases are her biggest secret. 

Desires: To help people with her music, make earth more peaceful and find friends who like her for her personality.

Fears: Being lonely, thunderstorms

Hobbies: Singing, Reading, Walking in the park, spending time with friends

Habits: Sometimes uses japanese without realizing when she is really shocked or angry. Fidgets with her fingers a lot. 


Known Languages: Japanese, English

Learning Style: Visual

Important History

Childhood: Pretty average childhood growing up with her parents. Was bullied for not being as good with some academics as some of the others. Signed to Moonlight Stars at age 15

Best Memory: Her first live show despite the nerves

Worst Memory: Her father leaving

Other Important Points: She is 18 when her father leaves the family with her 8 year old sister. Moves to London age 21. Becomes a guardian 2 months before the story starts.



Mother: Amaterasu Amaya (nee Tamotsu)

Father: Sho Amaya

Siblings: Hana Amaya

Friends: Amelie, Junpei, Natsumi

Enemies: The enemies the guardians battle

Other acquaintances: