Amelie Kermeen



5 years, 7 months ago


I will probably always be adding to this so think of it as a long term WIP

Personal Info

Name: Amelie Kermeen

Nicknames: Ams (by her parents and Yuu), Ammy (by her cousins)

Aliases: Air Guardian

Age: 15

Birthday: 25th October 

Place of Birth: London, England

Current Hometown: London, England

Occupation: Year 11 student and part time fast food worker (later on)


Ethnicity: British

Height: 5ft 2in

Weight: average

Hair Colour: Murky brown

Eye Colour: Blue

Skin Tone: slightly pale

Body Type: Slender

Fashion: Amelie is very much whatever is comfortable when it comes to outfits. She has some smarter clothes but saves them for when they are needed. She generally goes for darker colours. She dresses for the weathers so would quite happily wear top and trousers, skirts or even dresses.

Birthmarks/Scars: A birthmark on the inside of her right leg near her ankle. 


Likes: Singing, Dancing, Manga, Anime, Yuu's music, Butterflies, Drawing, Disney, Her friends and family, blue, grey, pasta, cheese

Dislikes: bullies, school, doing sport, 'uber cold weather', working too much, fish, sleeping early, early mornings, Accordian music, crowds

Secrets: Her biggest secret is being able to transform into the air guardian. She also keeps some of her interests hidden until she can trust the person.

Desires: To prove to others she is more than some useless teen. To help bring more peace to earth.

Fears: Being hurt by bullies, the dark

Hobbies: Singing, Dancing, Drawing, listening to music

Habits: Biting her lips


Known Languages: English, Some Japanese, Little french 

Learning Style: Audio


Childhood: Comes from a loving family with a moderate income. Bullied a lot in school for being a 'bookworm'

Best Memory: Going to see a live show for the first time

Worst Memory: That time she was completely and utterly cornered in the classroom

Other Points: Discovers Yuu's music age 11


Mother: LeeAnn Kermode

Father: Isaac Kermode

Siblings: None

Friends: Yuu, Junpei, Melanie

Enemies: Jamie, Kelly, bullies, The enemies the guardians battle

Other acquaintances: