Mew Feijoa



8 years, 3 months ago


Name: Feijoa Asagi-iro
Age: 15-16

DNA: Kemp's Ridley Sea Turtle

Weapon: Wooden Bell/Scraper
Team: Mew Berry, Mew Kabocha (Mew Ringo too, I believe?)


  • Favorite Sports: Swimming and Surfing
  • Favorite Foods: Jello/Jelly/Gummy textured things, crunchy dry seaweed and seafood.
  • Favorite Animal: Jellyfish, Snails, Roly-polies
    • She worked SUPER hard to be able to buy her own pet jellyfish, only to turn into a Mew who's DNA wants to eat them!
  • She blames her "stunted grow" on becoming a Mew, since Kemp's are the smallest Sea Turtles.
  • Becomes super embarrassed talking about things like relationships but can come off a bit "boy crazy" to those close to her.
Fun Facts
  • Besides Feijoa, I considered Lotus and Cashews but Lotus are fresh water and cashews... Idk! lol I also liked the way Feijoa sounds.
    • These are all foods I found looked close to her new colors at some point in their growth.
  • CHANGES | I changed her dark hair to her old Mew color. Her new Mew colors are a mix of Mew Mint and Mew Lettuce's from the Re-Turn Promo poster. Skin stayed the same, but added freckles. Then of course her Mew outfit was changed to match the Re-Turn looks as well; A cross between Mew Ringo and Mew Zakuro.
    • I'd still love to go back and do the OG Revamp look but now that I'm finished I don't think there's much I would actually change besides the original fuzz and collar.