
(he/him) or (they/them)| gemini | INFO



Kalon: #964

Nicknames: alien

Gender: Nonbinary (he/they pronouns)

Age: Adult

Orientation: Pansexual

Birthday: June 1st

Zodiac: Gemini

Occupation: none?

Hobbies: learning, exploring, picking flowers

Theme Song: Antigravity || Starset

Extra: lives off of lucky charms


Bright eyed and very curious, he came to earth with the intent to learn! He asks about a billion questions about whatever it is he doesn't understand, and keeps record in a cute little notebook! He's also completely and utterly in love with everything that life has to offer-- he thinks that everything is, well, just generally beautiful! It's actually not too often now that you'll see him get depressed. I mean, how can you? When everything's just so... alive!

It's due to this, though, that he has been totally naive, believing that nobody would ever lie or try to harm him. It's certainly not hard to take advantage of him, which obviously had arose problems. He's come to notice that others might not be as... receptive as he is. He's certainly weirded a few kalons out, resulting in him being snubbed. This has dashed his spirits some, but he always bounces back.

Just as he loves to learn, he loves to teach just as much, to those who are willing to listen. It's hard to get him to stop talking sometimes! He likes to swap details about how the planet Earth differs from space.

He also doesn't stay in one place for too long-- whether he got shooed away for loitering, or he just wants to go on an expedition, he's always shifting locations. Perhaps one day he'll find a place to call home.


thing, thing, thing, and thing


hex codes:

#FC8B6D #FDC274 #FDFEFF #C6D3FD #9878DB #FDE07C #00B1C1 #FEA6A5 #111113 #5428AF


Standard: shine edit
Common: Hair, Tail, Backmane
Uncommon: Ear edit, Short fur

breeding info:

Slots: 3/3

smile_by_protest_songs-daqfs6p.png outer_space_stamp_by_fredtastic.png shooting_star_stamp_by_crossedmidnight-d

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