Traffic Safety 💖



5 years, 8 months ago


Youtube Stuff:
THEME SONG: "On Patrol"

MEME: Something's not right...

MEME: Waiting by the phone...

Non YT stuff


Caring, Momfriend, Always cautious, Irritable, Ambiverted.


  •  Gender: Male 
  •  Allignment: Lawful Good
  •  Age: Ageless, appears like a puppy.
  •  Height: Anthro- 5ft 2" | Feral- 2ft 2"


  •  Has a slight raspy voice.
  •  Breaks fourth wall to preach saftey facts.
  •  Has a fear of tunnels.
  •  Has a small collection of glow in the dark toys.
  •  Is really fond of fireflies.
  •  He can appear anthro 
  •  He has is own theme song 
  •  His paw pads glow in the dark
  •  He can project a beam of light out of his mouth.
  •  His tail ball flickers when he's excited.
  •  Sometimes seems pushy, but he means well.


Traffic was born to two wonderful other doggos by the names of Nightlight and Driver and lived a really happy puphood.  
They cared for him as their own pup and named him after his glowing tail "Firefly". 

Life in the city was amazing to Firefly, how he was fascinated by transportation that doggos use that was inspired by man-made transportation, and how he boasted that his father Driver was the best mechanic in the city! But knew little of the dangers that came with the big machines.

One  really summery day, Firefly was playing near a tunnel with his friend,  then all of a sudden their ball ended up going into the nearby tunnel,  
where a road also ran through. Disregarding his friends warnings, he  foolishly went to go get the ball and he got hit by a bus,
He got severely hurt and lost his original tail. Ever since then he's been all  about being safe on the road, He renamed himself Traffic Safety and even
implanted a zebra crossing pole where his old tail used to be! using his old tail as the light inside the ball. 

And thus he has grown uncomfortable and even phobic of tunnels. However he tries his best to face the fear!

Even though he has this part of tragic backstory. Don't feel bad!  Traffic Safety is nevertheless a really happy pup.
And he really enjoys making sure everybody is safe on the roads!

Even though he is young, he is really mature about being safe, However he has trouble being mature about anything else.


 Jaywalker - Traffic Safetys Corrupted Alt 

During a night patrol around the city, Making sure people abided by the  law of the roads. Traffic saw a fellow citizen who was just about to get  hit by a truck,
Traffic rushed at them and pushed them out of the way,  getting hit himself. The impact cracked his cone and ball, freeing his original tail from within it, that phased into black matter.

During  the chaos Traffic's mood switched, the pain from the impact fueled by  fury (Allowing Road Rage to flicker in and out of reality for a split second) about the citizen who jaywalked corrupted his mind,
Spewing black negative energy out of his head and out of the crack in his cone.

His voice become distorted and his fur turned black, aside from some  yellow lines. His harness flashed and compressed itself into a thin road-patterned collar and he wrapped around his road tape around his bracelet.

His hair lost it's flick and sagged down in a black veil, blocking his eyesight. His mouth also became jagged.

After calming down after a small rampage, Traffic reverted back into his original self, flashing into existence.
But now, Jaywalker can show himself through Traffic, or project himself out of Traffic to be his own entity (Which doesn't happen too often unless Traffics jimmies have been rustled).

Jaywalkers negative energy allows him to give "negative" life to roadkill, making them become undead/zombiefied.
The tendrils that ooze  from his cone clutch Jaywalkers victim and inject that "negative" life energy. When Jaywalker switches back to Traffic, they simply fade out of existence and their souls are released. (It's Jaywalkers way to show his good side.)

Road Rage - Traffic Safteys Fury Alt

Road Rage first showed himself when Traffic became Jaywalker, He flickered in an out of the transformation at millisecond intervals before conforming into Jaywalker.
His harness compressed into a plain yellow bulldog harness before turning into Jaywalkers collar. His cone also splits in two forming bull horns.

Road Rage appears when Traffic is filled with genuine anger and annoyance

It is very rare Traffic feels the anger emotion so strongly that Road Rage flickers into reality, it is also a very short lived appearance, Rarely lasting longer than 10 seconds.

Unlike Jaywalker, Road Rage can't become his own entity. (unless for group pictures)