
1 month, 21 days ago




reliable • neurotic • planner

Name Ame
Called Ane, Jelly-ya
Gender Cis Female
Age 20, post-skip 23
Height 5'7
Race Human
Role Business "Pirate"
Demeanor Forced stability on a razor's edge
HTML Pinky

[WIP] Soul-sister to Niea, Ame is the brains of the duo. She's always dreamed of the chance to get off their little rock of an island and see the world, but never had the funds. Ame was never much of a swimmer and stuck to keeping her eyes and ears open, hopeful to catch word of a shipwreck nearby she could calculate out and go sic Niea on. The island they live on, however, doesn't really have the funds to do any sort of buy-back for what she finds, as it operates more as a glorified gas station for passer-by, and instead the stock of eclectic nonsense has built up in their shack of a home.

Despite being the younger of the two, Ame acts way more mature than her age would show. Though she looks young and a little on the punkish side, she's almost disgustingly polite, capable of gritting her teeth and stomaching any verbal slander with a "yes, sorry, I'll be better about it." In her mind, it's only a few more years of controlling her honest feelings before she and Niea can get off this rock and be free.

While it's difficult to call them a 'pirate crew', Ame is technically one half of the Honeybee Pirates. They've done almost nothing pirate-like since their establishment, working more like treasure hunters than anything. Ame was the starting brains behind the operation, joking that if they wanted to be a Business maybe they should adopt some kind of name that catches people's eye. To her horror, Niea had suggested piracy. She couldn't be completely against it, though. There was something desireable about the pirate life, even if Ame knew that it would make their lives a lot harder while they tried to be free.



  • cold foggy mornings
  • stray cats
  • plans going through
  • occult


  • large animals
  • being looked down on
  • people insulting Niea
  • hot weather

It was really good luck that the Straw Hats had to dock in their tiny town for a few days, as it finally gave Niea and Ame their chance to get out without funding their own ship. Ame was thankfully the brains of the operation and made a deal with Nami to let her take her pick of their 'treasure' first, and what she didn't want she could take half the profit of once they made it to an island that bought what was essentially junk. The only request was they pirates had to help the two girls get to an island first. After some bartering to knock the price closer to 60/40, Nami agreed and the pair got to board the ship when they took off.

The first island they came across was luckily habitable enough it didn't take long for Ame and Niea to part ways, thankful for all their help. With the funds left after Nami got her fill, they were able to charter another vessel making it's way to Water 7. It ate the rest of their funds, but Ame was hopeful they could find work in such a large city.

Water 7

Having arrived after the assassination attempts and start of the recuperation, it was a little more difficult than necessary to convince some people they truly were just travelers looking to resettle. After Niea was fished out of a canal by Galley-La workers for "encroaching on their area", and Ame's frustrations at a lack of people wanting to hire her had her on the Mayor's doorstep, the girls found themselves face to face with Iceburg himself. He was somewhat wary, though they both seemed harmless. After Niea accidentally blurted out that "that Franky guy said you guys were Suuuupah cool, what gives?", he finally started to believe that they were truly friends of the Straw Hat and worthy of trust.

Niea was sent to work with what was left of the Franky Family, as her deep diving skills made her quite useful for the scavengers. Ame was given a job in the office alongside Iceburg's newest hire Alice. Ame took to her new position quickly. It wasn't the complete freedom she'd dreamed of but it was a lot better than she originally had, and working alongside Alice ended up being easier than Ame expected.

Post Timeskip

Even if their original goal was to leave Water 7 and travel on their own funds once everything settled, the girls realized they actually enjoyed lingering in the city. Ame got a more permanent position as Alice's assistant, and Niea carved herself out a perfect niche within the Galley-La. Ame's dreams of a ship to sail free slowly got set aside more and more as she found herself growing roots without a real desire to go anywhere anymore.

SBS Answers

  • If from a real world country, Ame would be from Japan. She prefers Winter on a Spring island. As a member of the Mugiwara, she'd count as the Middle daughter who acts like the eldest. If she wasn't a pirate, she'd be an Office Worker. Her resemblance animal is a ferret.
  • Ame bathes daily. She smells like Seasalt and cotton. She tries to keep a schedule of sleeping from 11pm to 5am, with a mid-day nap thrown in there somewhere.
  • Her favorite foods are coconut, cabbage salad, and foods that pair with oolong tea. Her least favorite food is red meat. Her favorite form of fried egg is Over-hard. Her specialty for cooking is a Seafood Boil. Her alcohol tolerance very high, but she only drinks with meals and dislikes getting drunk so she never aims for it. She is an ice cruncher.
  • Ame has a devil fruit, but she doesn't like anyone knowing about it. She has the jelly-jelly (kanten variety) no mi. Her main ability is being able to create jelly-like forms of herself to act as body duplicates to escape danger. In the rare times she does fight, she doesn't use it as a weapon and relies on her own cutlass skills.


  • Niea and Ame are 'technically' pirates, though Ame is quick to lose the title when necessary. They have their own flag as well; it was designed by Niea but sewn and painted by Ame. The girls have matching accessories to the skull design they wear proudly, regardless if they're 'in hiding' as being pirates or not.
  • Ame's sword talent is in iaido style, even if she uses a wildly inappropriate weapon for it. She focuses on defense more than attack.
  • Ame ate her fruit young and held back telling anyone about it out of fear it'd completely destroy her chances to get off the island, since she could no longer swim. Niea figured she just couldn't swim for normal reasons for so long, and only discovered Ame's ability a couple years into their friendship after a bickering slap-fight had Ame summoning a clone to get away.


Her soul sister through and through. Both were orphaned after a dangerous storm took out their respective families, and the girls relied on each other to rebuild and keep surviving. Ame is a little younger than Niea, but acts like the responsible one. Though she can get frustrated with how airheaded Niea can be at times, Ame is fairly certain she would've died from stress long ago if it wasn't for her. Ame is always defending Niea's character and excusing her antics any time she gets in trouble. Even if she hopes Niea will 'grow up' one day, she doesn't want to take away her excitement out of worry that Niea will start swallowing her anger just like Ame does. Their relationship is completely platonic; they are each other's closest confidant. They want what's best for the other, at the detriment to their own happiness sometimes.


Galley-La Company [All]

[WIP] Ame gets along amazingly with Iceburg, even if some of his lackadaisy moodswings do throw her off guard. The whole of Galley-La is a little wild but it's nothing she can't handle, and she blends in perfectly with their chaos. More often than not, she'll find herself sitting at a bar table with Paulie listening to the man whine about her sister.


Mugiwara [All]

[WIP] Ame couldn't feel more indebted to the Strawhats if she tried. She feels like she owes Nami her life for finally getting their plans rolling, but the rest of them are just as lovely in her eyes. Though their time was short, Ame was able to form some long lasting friendships and trade some stories. She's not sure if any of them caught on to her devilfruit user status, but the way Robin was eyeing her after a day or two got her a little nervous. Now that they're separated back out,s he doesn't keep As up to date with them as Niea does, but is always eager to lean over the Mayor's shoulder to read up on what the crew is doing when the newspapers come around.