


5 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info


Unknown (Mismagius Gijinka)






She Fucks and that's all you need to know


6'2 (without heels)


Trixie is what most people see in a stereotypical asshole cat - Selfish, chaotic, destructive. The only problem is, she's some kind of questionable entity with arcane powers, seeming immortality in the face of an average mortal, and has the opposable thumbs necessary to wield and throw knives. This naturally leads her to be highly dangerous and unpredictable - Not out of committed malice but out of pure disregard for others and love for chaos. The best way to keep your skin intact around Trixie is to offer affections, treats or some kind of way to entertain her more than she'll be able to entertain herself with you. If all else fails, daring her to get shitfaced on some kind drugs that'll incapacitate her or pacify her too much to be of any harm is highly effective as well.

Despite her threatening and seemingly sadistic nature, she's arguably fun to be around if you're powerful enough to not be in fatal danger, reasonably masochistic, or ideally both. For her a good time could just as well be pyjamas, console gaming and a worrisome amount of nitrous. As long as she gets to be an absolute gremlin it's a good time in her books! If your choice of entertainment and inelegant pastime with her is of the less appropriate kind, be prepared for an excess of bite and scratch marks, if just because she can get a bit out of control when invested. As a good rule of thumb, if you've had at least three Fun evenings with her she'll consider you too much of a friend to threaten your health more than you'd want to (unless you're actively boring her). If anything just to keep you intact so you can provide her with more fun later.

No one really knows who or what she is, but she's definitely feline aligned and can often be seen conversing with cats. She'll be lying down on the floor, chin in her hands, kicking her legs and making cutesy cat noises at them? It's misleadingly pure and cute even though she might be telling the cat how underwhelming her latest private encounter was or something equally gremlin-aligned. She's much more gentle around animals in general, and while she prefers to stay well away from children she doesn't see any fun in actually harming them.