Wakuri Chiyoko



5 years, 8 months ago



Gender: Female, demigirl

Nationality: Japanese-American

Orientation: She's uncertain.

Likes: History, armour, tacky antiques, the outdoors

Dislikes: Philosophical/moral questions, being ignored, leadership roles

School: UA

Year: 2


A dour soft spoken girl with a surprising amount of determination. She's pretty awkward with expressing herself but has a lot of confidence in what she believes in. She tends not to socialise very much, and is pretty comfortable being alone, although she has nothing against talking to others. 

With friends she's a bit more talkative, although she gets self concious about fooling around or getting too loud when she's in public. She's quite a gentle soul, and feels bad about getting too mean, even if it's in jest. 

Chiyoko's the type to avoid thinking about things she doesn't like. If a situation or upcoming test is worrying her she tends to procrastinate and avoid thinking about it, making her pretty forgetful on occasion. Since she considers herself an otherwise responsible person, this mortifies her. She avoids thinking about it but the morality of her quirk worries her.


Bullet journaling- She likes to make notes on cool historical heroes and history in general. She isn't as knowledgeable as Deku on the topic of heroes, but she knows a lot about the history of them, scandals and super obscure ones. 

Watching the history channel

Going on walks (and dreaming about owning a dog)


Chiyoko was born in Japan but her family moved to America when she was just an infant. They lived a pretty regular life, up until her mother passed away when she was six. When grieving, that was the first time her quirk manifested, and she transformed into her own mother. Her horrified father forbade her from using her quirk at first.

He loosened up on this ban at some point, but he was never comfortable with her quirk, even if he tried to hide it. As such she rarely used it except in secret, thinking that it was messed up. They moved back to Japan so that her father could take care of his mother after her grandfather's death. 

Chiyoko idolised heroes, but her father made it clear he did not. His father, the disgraced vigilante Predator had already broken up his family and damaged their reputation, and he didn't want her to do the same. Frustrated, she enrolled in the UA general studies course. 

However she met another girl there, Naomi Miyazaki  who despite failing the hero course exam was fully intent on proving herself and transferring to the hero course. She soon managed to get her to admit she wanted to be a hero too and the two started training in secret. Naomi hounded some hero students into telling them the classwork, so they could at least try to follow along, as well as hounding the 1-A homeroom teacher into giving them tips. 

However Chiyoko's father, fully aware of her using her quirk in practice confronted her. They had an argument, where he forbade her from entering the sports festival. She refused.

During the UA sports festival, Naomi and Chiyoko both managed to score highly, with Chiyoko winning out in their one on one match, before being beaten by a hero course student since she hit her quirk limit. Chiyoko got third place, while Naomi failed to place. However both of them got to transfer, and enrolled in the hero course.

After the fact, and a very tense month, Chiyoko's father finally relented, and let her do what she wished, though he's still uncomfortable with the fact.

Quirk: Lineage
User can change their appearance into that of any of their biological forebearers and ancestors. They also gain their physical abilities, muscle memory and expertise in a matter (whether it be survival skills or their job experience.) However episodic memories cannot be gained, and user may forget aspects of the modern day, such as how to use technology or what they're doing.

The further back the person in the lineage, the longer it takes to transform. User starts from their age at time of death but can tick back to younger ages (physical abilities and experience change too) Mothers are easiest to transform into due to their stronger genetic ties. 

Her quirk has a pretty strict time limit of one hour, which she has trained up from 30 minutes. She can use as many forms as she wants, but the further back the ancestor is, the shorter the time she can use that form. Overusing her quirk can leave her with joint pains.

Physical traits: Chiyoko inherited a number of residual traits that members of her family had as functional parts of their quirk. 

  • Hourglasses- She has hourglasses implanted in each wrist. This is actually used as part of her quirk. Recessive trait, last seen four generations ago. While her quirk is powerful, her grip strength is weak.
  • Face birthmark- It's hidden by her hair but she has a line going around her face, a useless trait from her mother's Facelift quirk.
  • Feline eyes- From her grandfather's side of the family.

Hero Name: Dynasty 
Costume: Designing a costume was kind of difficult since her physique and costume requirements change a lot. 

Statistics (not transformed)

Power- 2/5

Speed- 3/5

Technique- 2/5

Intelligence- 5/5

Cooperativeness- 4/5


Father, Genealogist 

Quirk- Blood ties

User knows the exact location of all their family members at all times. They can also temporarily tell the location of someone else’s relatives by drinking a drop of their blood.

Grandfather (deceased) Vigilante Hero Predator, Bank manager

Quirk- Mark 

By breathing on someone or something using special glands, they become marked in a way only detectable to him or using infrared glasses. It's extremely difficult to wash off. He also has a very strong and specialised sense of smell that can detect marked objects from miles away and infrared sight. This enables him to keep track of anything he's marked. 

Grandmother (deceased) Scientist of Quirk Studies, Forensic analyst

Quirk- DNA analysis

By tasting a DNA sample, she can quickly break down and analyse information about someone's genetic code, such as lineage, physical aspects and quirk details. However this all happens on a subconcious level, with her just ‘knowing’ information, meaning that frustratingly she can't give any proper insight into DNA.  

Mother (deceased) Spy

Quirk-  Facelift

By kissing someone she can copy the details of their face into a mental archive and don it whenever she wants. However she cannot change any other physical aspects.

Grandfather (deceased) Former police officer, police instructor/teacher

Quirk- N/A, Quirkless.


Quirk- Facial Deconstruction

User can take off their face in two layers, skin and muscle. Overall basically useless, except at Halloween

Stepmother, Paedatrictian

Quirk- Alleviate 

By getting someone to smile, she can alleviate their pain somewhat.