Basic Info







July 19th






Asexual + Possibly Aro


Galaxia Populo/ Another Unknown species


230 lbs


A Net. She uses her net by spinning it around and throwing it at other gems. Once it has captured them, it tightens itself until the gem eventually poofs. Whilst in the net, any gem's special abilities are nulled. However, the net only has moderate strength and so, with the help of others, can be broken.


Half GP half mysterious alien race, this gal will kick your butt and enjoy doing it. She dislikes complainers and believes in working hard to get what you want. She can be competitive when it comes to challenges, and a little bit prideful, so when she fails to live up to her own expectations she can get moody and look down on herself.

One day she hopes to be a police officer, so she looks up to the local Night Guard, Sherry. She also has a hoarding problem with gems and will find, collect, and ocasioanlly trade them with Perla.

Adventurine can be closed off to others when it comes to sharing or explaining her emotions, but then, she's not all that emotional to begin with. Yes, she will express herself, but she is not ovoerally emotional like most teens are at her age. However, when she does get to those points of extreme emotions, she closes herself off and seeks solitude.

Adventurine is intelligent, but not in the book-smart way (though she does fare well in that area too). Rather, her intelligence stems along the lines of logical and cognitive thought. This makes it easy for her to learn and understand!

Some hobbies of hers include working out, boxing, and participating in joonior detctive like hunts (events).
