


5 years, 8 months ago


🩸                                          UMIKO 

 NAME   Umiko 
 AGE   ~257 y/o 
 GENDER   Nonbinary 
 PRONOUNS   Any pronouns, they/them preference 
 SEXUALITY   Doesn't care, they like Toko though 
 SPECIES   Choir Angel + Bunny 
 OCCUPATION  Toko's assistant, head choir angel (previous) 
 WEAPON  Music Stand (wielded like a trident)
 BIO — 

 Umiko always seems to be in deep thought. Although they don't have bad intention, they might be interpretted as cold because they are slow at responding and reacting. This is a result of their condition— forever using their powers to maintain their broken body, which leaves them lethargic and dazed in daily life. Previously, they used to be the head choir angel for the former God and had a brighter, innocent personality. However, after witnessing the cruelties in Heaven (specifically what happened to Toko), they rebelled. The former God made an example of them and discarded them in Earth's oceans, where they would remain for several years before Toko retrieved them. After the former God died and Toko took their place, Umiko became Toko's assistant and watches over Heaven and Earth with them.

After becoming God, Toko has offered to mend Umiko's wounds on multiple occasions. However, they always refuse. I wonder why?

Umiko is eternally devoted to Toko. They have no other reason to keep living. They are by Toko's side almost all the time, acting as their knight. They are lovers, ones that will never be separated.