Silbón Luzcuerpo Sabbath



5 years, 8 months ago


very spooky, a son to Sombra

so yes Renn and Rann's little brother wuhoh

*Found as a starving baby abandoned in the streets. Discovered by Sombra who grew attached. Being so ill in the beginning every time he inhaled and exhaled he sounded like he was whistling. (actuality he was passing so little air in and out of his lungs through his lips and the faint whistling sound was just a byproduct of that.) So thats why his name is Silbon, it means "Whistler"

* like his grandfather he's quite "Charming" shrewd but charming none the less. Being the youngest far later after his siblings were mostly grown, he gained lots of attention and was of course spoiled by them and his mother.

*Laced with bad habits, Rann taught him how to steal (she just wanted to steal socks, but he took it to a whole other level) his sticky fingers knew no bounds. A bit of klepto when it comes to more shinier things, of course growing up now he's doing better. Not like his rambunctious teenage days where he tarnished his mother's fame with his thievery and bad boy status.  Almost joined a gang. Wasn't keen on the image it would give him, plus the members were too poor low leveled crime wise, barely ambitious wannabees. Some were serious, but they would never amount to anything being that petty. 

Could steal plenty without a bad name attached to him.

Anyway, he's grown up now and swears he's left his old business behind, swore to his mother that he'd never ever live a complete life of crime again. However he didn't swear he wouldn't do some crime on the side. He's got plenty of contacts all over who sometimes need "a favor" for some products, rare artifacts. Ya never know what they want. He does however fetch things for a pretty high price, to deter those needing his services. Though when they do, he's got plenty of money to live off for a while.

If only mama knew about the life he truly lives. He just tells her he owns a "pawn" shop. To which is true. He's a fair dealer. Gives people their proper weight for their gold and jewelry. However, the legality of the things he gains sometimes. Who knows?

*he's known to have a bone collection of various animals...or similar fellows... Regardless he always carries some of his collection on him, jewelry, bags, anything that he takes. If he ever changes location, his entire collection must move with him. He refuses to leave his bones behind no matter where in the world he must go.

Breeding Slots:

1. Zeve's Rosa Muerta *name kid with Samedi

2. Griff's Boo * or do I name this kid Samedi ??? orz

3. Fawx's

Cooldown ends December 9th