Soul Tree



1 month, 9 days ago


One upon a time, the world was new, air full of possibilities and chaos. One small god of Life-And-Death-And-Back-Again (sounds epic, but is really just the process of decomposition) found that there were a lot of souls passing through its domain that seemed lost, unsure of what to do now. Some went towards their faith's Death, but most just... vibed. This small god decided that they would take it upon themselves to help the lost souls, and thus the Soul Tree was created. This one small god took up residence in its Tree, and has been helping lost souls every since. They've amassed quite a lot of power over the eons, and are now the god of Reincarnation. Their aim remains the same, and they focus most of their energy and intent towards making sure every soul that needs or wants Reincarnation receives a new life. While the Soul Tree is their power hub and "true" body, their reach extends across all of Dewmarl today.

The Soul Tree

On a cliff overlooking the Uncrossed Ocean, there is a tree. Gnarled and old, covered in moss and lichen, it stands strong against hurricanes and tsunamis. Its branches seem to be holding up the sky, they reach so high. Its roots go so deep into cliff, they can be seen even at the waterline. Inseparable from the world, the Soul Tree stands eternally.

There are wisps and small creatures moving in the canopy, creating the sense that the wind never leaves this tree alone. Sometimes, wisps can be seen leaving the tree, never to reappear. If you see this happen, celebrate a birthday! Someone just got born.

At its roots, there are remnants of bodies - skeletons, rotted remains, pieces of clothing and fur - that have been partially absorbed by its roots and the soil. These bodies show no signs of struggle or scavenging. The freshest of them seem like they just laid down for their final rest, faces shaped in relief and happiness.

No one who seeks the Soul Tree will find it. Those who need it always find their feet climbing the hill to the cliff's edge. Souls who need to rest in the Tree's soft embrace lay down and sleep. Souls who need hope and guidance to continue find themselves meditating on the Tree's view of the world, on the cycle of life of this Tree, and come down the hill with a new lease on life. They're never able to retrace their steps back to it, though.

Most believe the Soul Tree to be a myth, or an explanation for the Reincarnation Cycle. However, evidence and eyewitness reports continue to line up - people and creatures who return from the Tree within a few days of each other always  describe similar bodies decomposing in the roots, and every single record and sketch of the Tree gives it the same dragon-esque face.

The Soul Tree exists, but its origins and purpose are still somewhat of a mystery. If you find yourself in the presence of it, try to hold on to your love of life. Those who love to live are the ones who seem to walk away from the Soul Tree.

Manuscript written by Legacy Dragoschilde, found in Ecomagicology: Mysteries of Magic and Nature Explained Plainly, Volume 2.